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The Last Tale chapter 5 Blood Stained Snow

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:19 am
by legokid
Wow i was really sleepy when i posted chapter 4 which i put as 3.The story is becoming better by each chapter.Something attackes the zoria and why?Where does their trust really lay?Hope you like this chapter.

As they walk towards the tavern thought ran through their heads like what’s the desert’s weather like, where does the Fryos trust lie? “What do you guys want?” the bartender asked while lighting a lamp. We’ll all take Zoria rum and Fire Spice Noodles Sa’Binga said looking over all over the drinks on the wall. “Sa’Binga stop looking over the drinks we had to carry Ga’Lorda and you back to the inns room last night.” La’Beka yelled. Sadly Sa’Binga wasn’t listening and this ticked La’Beka off, so acting as if nothing happen he knocked Sa’Binga off the chair with a huge grin. The others look at each other knowing what was going to happen. ”Why you.” Sa’Binga growled while gripping La’Beka’s shirt and pulled him to the floor. The others just tuned out the fighting and eat their noodles. The fighting stopped when Le’Sido tapped her glass with the bottom of one of her rings. “Well guys we did it the tryker and the zoria are and will and for now on be at peace. The karavan still watch over us and teach us new powers and ways to fight. Finally she has brought me and brother closer together, shown us a great power lies within us, protected all of us from danger, Jena we raise our glass to you and the karavan. She said raising their glasses high. They took a sip and sat down, the bartender hand Be’Cona at letter he looked at it, then the other, then started to read. It read

Dear Trykers,
We left for the gate to the desert the day we meet, its not that we hate you or anything but we just need a head start. You see the portal to the desert is blocked by an ancient gate and only the zoria can open it. But if it’s what we think the gate is covered with vines and moss so it will be hard to find. The Karavan will guide you to the gate, and if you’re wondering we don’t follow the kami nor the karavan we don’t have a side we’re neutral. May we meet soon we want to know all about you and your land.

You’re Friends,
The Zoria

He put the down the letter and look at the others, they starred at each other for a minute or two looking for words. The moment of silence among them was broken by “refill?” the bartender said pouring zoria rum into their glass. They snapped to back and gave the bartender a nod. “Ok the packers fed and packed, the karavan will meet us at the city gate I’m I missing something?” Le’Sita asked before taking a sip of his noodles. “Nope that’s all of it and we leave in the morning.” Le’Sido said before taking a sip of rum. Slowly very one started to leave till the inn’s bar was empty all expect for Le’Sinta and Le’Sido who were stitting in front of the fire place. They knew that they would be walking into winter winds so they decided to cherish the warm fire as long as they can. They soon fell asleep on the couch.

The morning was cold and windy even dressed in heavy clothes they could still feel the cold. Using pikes and staff that Sa’Binga had crafted as walking sticks they saved several hours off their trip, even the karavan were cold tho they were dressed in heavy cloaks. Frost covered their clothes; the karavan officer told them that they have a camp up head. “We can’t make it to the gate in one day; if we try we’ll freeze to death. The camp was small but it was just an outpost. The camp wasn’t much just tents and a hunt covered with ice. In the middle was large camp fire just what the tykers wanted to see. When the packers were safe in the stable they ran straight for the fire. They place shell bowls of water next to the flame. When the water was hot they added spice and noodle and let it warm up. “I know the karavan will help us with anything but I really don’t want them to stop protecting the land just to cook for us.” Ga’Lorda said stirring his noodles. “Your right ……but really we don’t make them help us.” Le’Sido said after drinking a bit of her soup. “I’m just saying.” Ga’Lorda said before finishing him noodles. “I know what you were saying…….lets turn in I’m sleepy.” Le’Sido said after eating a noodle. They finished their noodles and turn in. But something wasn’t right in the air, no one could put their finger on but something was wrong.

Late that night Le’Sita woke covered in cold sweat and the mark on his hand was glowing. Sa’Binga and La’Beka had also awoken in cold sweat, with out hesitation they pick up their weapons tighten their hood and set off. The karavan stopped them, “Slow down young ones what’s wrong?” A karavan guard asked. With little breath they answered “A……a…the night air….plus the mark is glowing…..the zoria are in danger.” They all said trying to calm down. Others came over to the trykers. “We heard the scream but we don’t know where it came from or who.” An officer said. “We know who made it and where, now get out of way our way we have to help them!” They screamed. At this the other trykers walk out in full winter clothes and weapons in their hands. “Ok but lets get your packers out, we should go with you.” The karavan high officers said. A minute later they were off into the dark night hoping the zoria are ok.

Their blood was icy cold, fear filled their minds, and they ran through the snow not stopping. The whole karavan camp was with them, six in front lighting the path, six in back and 3 on each side. They ran for ages being sure to keep the packers feed until they ran into the kami. The karavan walk stepped back making sure to have all direct path at the tryker blocked. What they saw made them drop to ground in anger, and sorrow. The zoria group lay in front of them barely alive, slash marks ran across them. Blood stained the snow and the karavan had their guns pointed right at the kami. “What did you do you stick little monsters!” Two officers yelled ready to fire. “Why would we hurt our greatest followers and we know it wasn’t you because you use those things and floating boxes. Now if you not mind we must talk to our elder, we’ll have two stay and heal them.” A kami said looking over the slashes. “No we’ll heal them they knows how to get to the desert.” The karavn officer said not lowering their guns. With that the kami were gone Le’Sido ran to them and started healing the other soon join in.