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[DEV] Worn-Out Items, August 10

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:32 pm
by lawrence
From Nevrax:

[ E Q U I P M E N T ]

- When an item is worn out, it is not automatically destroyed anymore.
It is unequiped and marked with a red cross over its icon in your
inventory. You then need to destroy it (this is the only action you
can perform on worn out items).

Re: [DEV] Worn-Out Items, August 10

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:35 pm
by vguerin
This was changed to allow us to go on wearing things that are worn out I assume ? Since there is no visible wear on our gear as it degrades, this is a silly change that will frustrate players that do not see the sysinfo message denoting the loss of protection.

Often the item falling off you is the ONLY way to really notice in the middle of a battle that you have lost gear... I just do not understand some of the changes you guys are making...

Fix the broke stuff and quit changing whats not broke please !
DoubleTap - Disciple of Jena - Master Melee Dueler
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Re: [DEV] Worn-Out Items, August 10

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:38 pm
by aylwyne
vguerin wrote:This was changed to allow us to go on wearing things that are worn out I assume ? Since there is no visible wear on our gear as it degrades, this is a silly change that will frustrate players that do not see the sysinfo message denoting the loss of protection.
It does say, "It is unequiped and marked with a red cross...". So the items do still get unequipped, just not destroyed outright. It's up to us to destroy it. As is said, "You then need to destroy it (this is the only action you can perform on worn out items).".

I guess I don't see a heck of a lot of difference in the way it is now except that it'll be a little more obvious exactly what is worn out if you miss the system info message. The item will be sitting in your inventory with a big red X over it.

Re: [DEV] Worn-Out Items, August 10

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:40 pm
by vinnyq
I think part of the reason were because of people not realizing their pick and craft tools has worned out and was still diggin or crafting with it without realizing they're not getting xp.

Re: [DEV] Worn-Out Items, August 10

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:43 pm
by vguerin
That makes a bit more sense I guess... having my jewels show in inventory with red X is better than just losing them and not knowing...

I still have a problem with things being changed around that are not broke when them guys should be working on Outposts :P

Re: [DEV] Worn-Out Items, August 10

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:47 pm
by thlau
[QUOTE=vguerin]Often the item falling off you is the ONLY way to really notice in the middle of a battle that you have lost gear... I just do not understand some of the changes you guys are making...[QUOTE]

I think the 'will be unequiped' will have exactly the same effect like the armor falling off, the difference will be that you no longer hold your pick in the hand when it reaches null hit points.