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(Ingame Bidding) Aen Armour (closed)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:03 am
by ixianuk
Hey peeps

Im selling a + 4 parry set of Aen
Its got full HP accept Helmet.....

If anyone wants to buy it send me a tell ingame
/tell Electrometrix

so far the winner is

Winner: Lathaniel (bidded at 02:02 on 05 August)
Bid: 15 Mill won bid :)

I will post what prices poeple have sent me in tells here.. the bid will end if nobody outbids the winner within 2 days :)

(E.G... Lathaniel has bid 6 million if somone bids within 2 days after his bid then they are winning.. but if Lathaniel is not outbid within 2 days he gets it...)

gd luck and may the person that pays most win..