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Shortcut keys for Team members

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:22 am
by blew8

So far my g/f and I are enjoying this game as there are loads of things to do. I love not having the pressure of worrying if I'm building my character correctly in terms of skill. My question is whether there are shortcut keys assigned to selecting team members or do I have to click on their name or characters directly to select them?

I've been on the search for the past few weeks for a MMORPG game to fill the void(played RO, WoW & CoH before) and I have a feeling this might be it!

Re: Shortcut keys for Team members

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:51 am
by blaah
blew8 wrote:My question is whether there are shortcut keys assigned to selecting team members or do I have to click on their name or characters directly to select them?
welcome to atys.

for team, there is "Select team member 1 to 8" command (sry, dont remember what the default key is)

for keys, hit "K" to see (and remap) them all
hit "shift+K" to have fun with macros (basically linking multiple key's/commands to one key/button).

Re: Shortcut keys for Team members

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:15 am
by filtern
...And press Y to see the team window, were you also can select all teammembers close enough.