Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

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Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by reubensi »

I am a Tyker, who without knowing any better got Magic to 20 then left noobieland. Well low and behold BIG Mistake and death. Thinking I learned from that mistake, I decided to re-roll my character. I did a little extra this time, got magic to 30, fighting to 15 for the extra HP and then went to the the mainland. Well here I can actually kill a thing or two, some bearly... low and behold 107 xp 108xp. WTF! I group with one of my guildmates and we head of a little and 340xp for a mob that was pretty tough.

It seems like once you leave the noobieland you either make friends fast or you sit and wait til you find a group. Problem is, there isn't many grouping activites. Soloing isnt an option nor any xp over 200 without a big struggle to even survive. THANK GOD FOR WATER! All I tend to see in the main chat is people who are trying to buy gear or harvesting and asking questions about harvesting.

My question to you is does it get any better? I like this game, ALOT in all honesty. But if I can't find groups and my xp is only coming in at less than 200 a pop, then I think I may leave. I preach to my friends how good the game is. However, I am thinking that some things need to be looked at. Shouldnt someone who could solo to 30 get the the main area and still manage to do better than 107 xp a pop? Yes its a new game, but I am finding it a little tough since people are either a too high or b just harvesting.

Okay frustrations off :)
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by banshee9 »

Personally, i think the noobland gives all the players a false impression how the rest of the game is. I would hope that Nexrax spends some time retooling either the exp drop offs in noobland... or increase the exp rewards in the mainland.

Mainland is insanely difficult in comparison to noobland. Even the same con Kipees are harder to kill and give significantly less exp per kill. Meaning, i can kill a weany kipee in noobland at level 30 and get what 1k exps. Go to mainland find a Kipee of the same con and it will have dbl the HPs hit harder and give 1/10th the exp in noobland.

This does not get the new player ready for the real game... What it does is make us think we are better then we think we are. Honestly, i do not advocate goign to mainland till you have 40 in melee or magic.. but think of how many puny Goari's and Weany kipees you have to kill to get there ??? Crafters and Harvestors i am not sure i hear its harder to locate good resources in mainland.

To help you... i would suggest you stay in Tank heavy grps and just chain nuke the mobs as much as you can.
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by smirch »

I agree. The dropoff is very noticeable. The balancing in the mainland areas needs to be looked at a bit.

I'd stay in newbie land longer but the main reason I get stir crazy is the lack of equipment/materials.
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by starlyle »

Leaving noobiland, I would strongly urge you to not leave noobie land until lvl 34 -35 in fight, with at least a q20 choice wpn, perferably a 2hd. This will make it so much easier for you to solo until finding a group, where you can work on your magecraft. Early on in the life of a Tryker, magecraft is a grouping skill, not meant for solo work. Your best bet if you want to be a combatant is to work on your melee for solo, and magecraft in a group. This will offer you the best chance of living on the mainland.
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by frisco4 »

starlyle wrote:Leaving noobiland, I would strongly urge you to not leave noobie land until lvl 34 -35 in fight, with at least a q20 choice wpn, perferably a 2hd. This will make it so much easier for you to solo until finding a group, where you can work on your magecraft. Early on in the life of a Tryker, magecraft is a grouping skill, not meant for solo work. Your best bet if you want to be a combatant is to work on your melee for solo, and magecraft in a group. This will offer you the best chance of living on the mainland.
I took melee fight to 40 and saved up 550k+ in dapper before I left, not having any problems and was able to upgrade EVERYTHING to ql50 choice wepaons as soon as I landed in Yrkanis
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by chevelle »

I jsut landed on mainland today! I crossed over as 33melee, 27ranged, 32 defensive magic, 31 offensive magic with 90k saved up. It truely helps to have that cash especially as a mage (which I am).

Buy a Ql40 or 50 amp in whatever you're specializing in (runs about 40k-50k for matis) and you'll be golden for a partner or group environment against kipees (moderate or hard).
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by Fred1l1 »

I stayed on the nublands for the whole first weekend while waiting to give stuff/maybe level with a guildmate...i accumulated 1 mil dapper and was at 40 melee, 50/50/45/21 craft, 25 harvest, and 21 magic...all soloing...way too easy for 3 days of work...i doubt i could get close to that progress on the mainland soloing that fast. Definately needs some balancing
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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by deadwolf »

Personally, I left n00ber land at 27 fighter, there was and still is very little I can solo. Sure, I die a lot, but I am finding that most stuff is STILL giving me 1,000 XP or more per kill (whn I manage to stay alive <<grin>>).

Theoretically though, 20 is minimum. In practice I have to agree with the poster who stated level 40.

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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by tinpony »

reubensi wrote:My question to you is does it get any better? I like this game, ALOT in all honesty. But if I can't find groups and my xp is only coming in at less than 200 a pop, then I think I may leave. I preach to my friends how good the game is. However, I am thinking that some things need to be looked at. Shouldnt someone who could solo to 30 get the the main area and still manage to do better than 107 xp a pop? Yes its a new game, but I am finding it a little tough since people are either a too high or b just harvesting.

Okay frustrations off :)

I don't know. This is my fourth character restart. 3 in beta and one now. When I finished beta, I swore I'd never leave n00b until a I was a millionaire and level 30 everything and all that. This time around, after one day, I was level 22 melee, level 25 armour/weaponscraft and level 14 harvest (40K dappers) and I was bored out of my skull on n00b.

In Zora, I can solo sprightly yubos for around 1600 XP at level 33 melee. My friend BG is soloing sprightly yubos as a straight magician around level 30. Craft has stalled slightly at level 33 for armour/weapons, but not bad. I can solo pretty much everything myself with almost a full suit of heavy q25 armour and (soon) a 2hand sword. I've wandered through most of the main area and the five Zora cities. BG and I paired at level 28 almost killed the named Zoann (level 50 messab). We didn't. :D But almost. I can easily take on anything 10 - 15 levels higher than me and it's finally a risk/reward challenge.

I think level 20 is very doable to leave n00b, but it takes getting used to. First time I left was a huge shock to the system, there was nothing to kill and I was very disgruntled. Second time, not so bad but still a little over my head. After playing through the last open beta and restarting, it's great.

I'd recommend sticking it out for a week or two and then restart. Good hunting areas at level 20-30 are not always near the city. Wandering is pretty safe. in Zora, only raguses have non-combat aggro. There's lots of social aggro, but taunt for a melee will get you through that with no problem. Yubos don't seem to pull any sort of social aggro, so you can sit in a pile of them and level all day long.

I guess different stroke for different folks. :)

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Re: Leaving Noobieland? THINK TWICE KIDDOS!

Post by bremmon »

I left the island at 20 and, the first night, I found it discouraging. I was kind of lost and died a couple of times. Then I started to think before attacking anything.

It is interesting that you have suckling and weanling mobs on the island but on the mainland, finding weanling mobs is a big challenge. In fact they seem pretty rare. I concentrated on the suckling mobs for a couple of levels. Due to the speed I could take them out, leveling went pretty quick. It was when I would go for timorous mobs that things slowed down.

About 3 levels after leaving the island I can take on the vigorous dogs, gingos or ragos one at a time. Find vigourous Gingos a challenge though not impossible taking them one at a time.

Money on the other hand is really difficult. Though I found that once I could start taking on timorous and greater mobs I started making some money from quartering. Also started working on Harvesting.

This helped me though it is slow. I'm a casual player so I don't get to spend a lot of hours per day playing: I fight until I need health and stamina recharged. During this recovery time, I harvest or craft, mostly harvest. When I have recovered, I fight some more.

Definitely some balance needed though between the two places, Island and Mainland. Especially as to the difficulty of the mobs. Step too far out of the town on the mainland, and I'm not talking far at all, and you die if you are too low a level.
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