PR Digger Saved!
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:32 am
Today in roots, the Honda Accord officially performed its first duty to help Atys. As we saw a Vorax headed straight for Audrey, we kindly nuked her and killed her, to save her the DP. As we had be waiting on Supreme oil to pop for about 4 hours, this was definately not over nodes.
The Honda Accord's policy includes other kind services to aid the homins of Atys. These include helping other teams to kill their mobs so that they don't die, selling fine and basic HQ Amps at low pricing, overpricing grind mats so homins don't succumb to the evils of greed, making sure that Aen and various other bosses are NEVER up because they are a danger to Atys, pulling mobs onto other teams so that they can level faster, improving the roleplay environment with our own 'leet speek,' upholding the high esteem of the holy Leroy Jenkins, as well as others in this vein.
Should you need the services of the Honda Accord, please contact any member of Infinity or OmegaV.
Thank you kind homins, and I assure you the Honda Accord will remain vigilant in the protection and aid of all homins in Atys!!!
Lillaryn - High Officer, Infinity ... reenie.bmp Click there to see the dramatic screenshot!
Also, The Honda Accord recently 'talked' to Varykoo about the greivous attacks on diggers. Lets just say that he may think twice for about 3 days before sending minions out of his lair
The Honda Accord's policy includes other kind services to aid the homins of Atys. These include helping other teams to kill their mobs so that they don't die, selling fine and basic HQ Amps at low pricing, overpricing grind mats so homins don't succumb to the evils of greed, making sure that Aen and various other bosses are NEVER up because they are a danger to Atys, pulling mobs onto other teams so that they can level faster, improving the roleplay environment with our own 'leet speek,' upholding the high esteem of the holy Leroy Jenkins, as well as others in this vein.
Should you need the services of the Honda Accord, please contact any member of Infinity or OmegaV.
Thank you kind homins, and I assure you the Honda Accord will remain vigilant in the protection and aid of all homins in Atys!!!
Lillaryn - High Officer, Infinity ... reenie.bmp Click there to see the dramatic screenshot!
Also, The Honda Accord recently 'talked' to Varykoo about the greivous attacks on diggers. Lets just say that he may think twice for about 3 days before sending minions out of his lair