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Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:17 pm
by sidusar
Those of you who've followed [thread=16386]this thread[/thread] know I've spent several days killing all sorts of creatures with all sorts of skills and writing down the experience earned, trying to figure out how exactly the experience given to you for killing something is calculated. After I was done with this task, had collected all the data I could and had found what I believed to be the correct equations, I considered my job done and moved on to other activities. Until I was [post=204795]reminded[/post] that it might be nice to share my findings, because other people might be interested in them. So here we go.

The equation
For every creature killed by a team of homins, each homin in that team receives experience as calculated by:
EXP = [2 / ( T + 1 )] * C * X
in which:
T is the number of team members that participated in the killing. For solo fighting T = 1, so that [2 / ( T + 1 )] = 1 and EXP = C * X
C is what I call the 'difficulty coefficient', which depends on the creature killed. For most creatures C = 1, but some creatures that are more difficult than average have a higher value of C, resulting in more experience for killing them. The first list below contains the values of C for (almost) all creatures.
X is what I call the 'basic experience', as it is the experience given to a player for soloing a creature with C = 1. This 'basic experience' is itself a variable that depends on the level difference between the highest skill level used by the team and the level of the creature that they killed. The second list below contains the values of X for the level differences between -50 and + 32 levels.

Note 1: Equation may be off for small numbers, due to rounding errors.
Note 2: As we all know, if EXP is higher than 3000, the experience is capped at that number.

Values of C
C = 1 for the arana, arma, capryni, cratcha, cray, cute, cuttler, frahar, frippo, gibbaï, gnoof, goari, gubani, horncher, igara, izam, javing, jubla, jugula, kipesta, kipucka, kirosta, kizoar, madakam, messab, najab, psykopla, ragus, raspal, rendor, shalah, shooki, slaveni, stinga, timari, varinx, wombaï, yber, yetin, and yubo.
C = 1,5 for the bawaab, bodoc, bolobi, clopper, gingo, kiban, lumper, mektoub, ocyx, ploderos, torbak, tyrancha, yelk, and zerx.
C = 2 for the kipee.
C = 2,5 for the kincher and kinrey.
C = 8 for named creatures.
C = 25 (+1) for boss creatures.

Creatures for which C is unknown to me: kidinak, vorax.

Values of X
In the list below, the first number is the level difference (mob level - highest skill level used), and the second number the basic experience X for that level difference. Creatures 50 or more levels below the highest skill used give no experience at all anymore. I did not test for creatures more than 32 levels above the highest skill used.

+32 > 5280
+31 > 5090
+30 > 4900
+29 > 4710
+28 > 4520
+27 > 4330
+26 > 4140
+25 > 3950
+24 > 3760
+23 > 3570
+22 > 3380
+21 > 3190
+20 > 3000
+19 > 2900
+18 > 2800
+17 > 2700
+16 > 2600
+15 > 2500
+14 > 2400
+13 > 2300
+12 > 2200
+11 > 2100
+10 > 2000
+09 > 1900
+08 > 1800
+07 > 1700
+06 > 1600
+05 > 1500
+04 > 1400
+03 > 1300
+02 > 1200
+01 > 1100
+00 > 1000
-01 > 959
-02 > 922
-03 > 886
-04 > 855
-05 > 823
-06 > 796
-07 > 767
-08 > 740
-09 > 707
-10 > 660
-11 > 565
-12 > 477
-13 > 393
-14 > 308
-15 > 228
-16 > 171
-17 > 128
-18 > 103
-19 > 79
-20 > 62
-21 > 52
-22 > 43
-23 > 37
-24 > 34
-25 > 31
-26 > 28
-27 > 25
-28 > 21
-29 > 20
-30 > 19
-31 > 18
-32 > 17
-33 > 17
-34 > 16
-35 > 14
-36 > 14
-37 > 12
-38 > 12
-39 > 10
-40 > 9
-41 > 8
-42 > 8
-43 > 7
-44 > 6
-45 > 4
-46 > 4
-47 > 3
-48 > 2
-49 > 1
-50 > 0

As an example, let's say a team of 6 people kills a Vicious Bolobi, and that the highest skill used by any of the members is level 134. Quartering a Vicious Bolobi turns up material of quality 161, so the level difference is 161 - 134 = 27. Looking in the lists above, the basic experience X for a level difference of +27 is 4330, and the difficulty coefficient C for a Bolobi is 1,5. The experience given to each of the party members will thus be:
[2 / ( 6 + 1 )] * 1,5 * 4330 = 2/7 * 1,5 * 4330 = 1856 experience.
If one of the party members decides to leave, and the remaining 5 continue hunting Vicious Bolobis with the highest skill level used being level 134, they will receive:
[2 / ( 5 + 1 )] * 1,5 * 4330 = 2/6 * 1,5 * 4330 = 2165 experience.
If in this team of 5, one of the party members accidently uses their healing skill which is at level 173, the level difference for that kill will be 161 - 173 = -12. The basic expierence for -12 levels is 477, so the experience will be:
[2 / ( 5 + 1 )] * 1,5 * 477 = 2/6 * 1,5 * 477 = 239 experience.

That covers it all I believe. I hope this info will be usefull to someone out there. I know from experience that I'm not great at explaining things, so if anything's unclear please do bring it to my attention.

And if all this has been done before and I missed it, you may also bring it to my attention, even if it'll make me feel like a complete idiot :D

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:51 pm
by larwood
Amazing. That's all i have to say.

This will be very useful.

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:00 am
by holina
Very nice work Sid :)

/tar sidusar

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:37 am
by tylarth
c = 1 for jugula

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:15 am
by zyryx
Kinrey is same as Kincher I believe, so C = 2.5.

Vorax is either 2, or a little better than kincher - I don't remember.. (that doesn't help, I know. bah.)

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:52 am
by toneh
Truely brilliant

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:04 am
by iwojimmy
so applying Sidusars formula.
to achieve 3k xp, 2 players need to be ..(equal or more than..)
28 levels below C=1 mobs
20 levels below C=1.5 mobs
13 levels below C=2 mobs
8 levels below C=2.5 mobs

Great jugulas will stop giving 3k above level 227 if Jugulas [C=1]

I need to find a reliable kipee spot :D

Does anyone know if "demolisher/destroyer" class mobs are the same as Named, for 'C' category ? Had been getting 3k off them, but cannot recall the melee's level at the time.

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:15 am
by philu
Awesome piece of work Sid!

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:29 am
by cygnus
Wow, great job !! I'm sure I will refer to this a lot as I progress through various fight levels

Re: Equation behind the hunting XP.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:33 am
by dcaxe

OK, I'm impressed..