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[FYI] 250 Jewelry

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:33 pm
by roninpvp
Ok I've decided to post it here to not have to explain.

I ocassionaly do put sets on the Natae Jewlery NPC only currently.

I can craft with focus/sap/hp/staminia

I will take orders by ingame email but only for whole sets (i.e. I will not do piece work).

I will not take requests for special all resists sets yet.

I have done the crafting rite and thus have the benefit of crafting with extra durability.

Sets are 1.2 million per request slightly less on the npcs.

Re: [FYI] 250 Jewelry

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:52 pm
by iphdrunk
Can I have 12 different earrings with different resists or are you going to put them in dyron? and how much?

Re: [FYI] 250 Jewelry

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:55 pm
by roninpvp
iphdrunk wrote:Can I have 12 different earrings with different resists or are you going to put them in dyron? and how much?

/target anissa


Re: [FYI] 250 Jewelry

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:41 pm
by roninpvp
Forgot to add that HP will be choice mats and Focus jewels will be fine

They are 139 hp and 119 hp durablity respectively.

This is done cause I dont dig 250 Lake and focus sets are Tryker to seperate their appearance and easier organization.