After all, what use is earning all that dapper if you're not going to spend it?
I spent my reward on ALE & (Ladies of negotiable virtue)!
This coming Tuesday night from around 8:30pm (UK Time BST) join the hard drinking mercenaries in the Thesos bar for drinks, food, tales of derring do (or don't), jokes, hot desert cuisine and fun.
Bring an instrument, sing a song, tell a tale or just get dung-faced with the rest of us until you're sick!
The firewine is fresh, the spicy izem wings are almost as spicy as the dancing girls.
(And we hope to be making this a semi-regular roleplay meet, so get your arses there )
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold... We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
Oflovak's Special Brew
Supplied directly from the Water Breaker's camp, Oflovak's Special Brew is a heavy, dark ale made with Oasis water and from the fine crops the Water Breaker's grow around the Oasis pool. A meal in a glass Oflovak's Special Brew is often cut 1/2-1/2 or 1/4-3/4 with water for long trips through the desert. - 200 dappers a glass.
(Drink along from home with Guiness or a real ale).
Made from the spicy tasting grapes of the Flaming Forest, picked during the short harvest season, Firewine retains some of the heat of the Flaming Forest giving it a comfortable, warming burn, a wonderful compliment to many of the spicy foods of the Fyros. - 300-500 dappers a glass, depending on vintage.
(Drink along from home with mulled wine, cinnamon schnapps or another spicy drink).
Stinga Rum
Imported from Fairhaven under an obscure clause in the old water trading agreements Stinga Rum proves popular with Tryker visitors and as a component in many cocktails. - 150 dappers a tumbler.
(Drink along from home with... RUM!)
Tryker Ale
Chilled by immersion under the Thesos waterfall this thin, fizzy, characterless drink, more of a lager than an ale, is refreshing but neither strong nor flavourful enough to excite the Fyrosian palatte. Often described as 'Like making love in a coracle' by disdainful conoisseurs. - 150 dappers a mug.
(Drink along from home with cheap American lagers!)
A secretive Zorai recipe mixes Psykopia extract with thin, watery, glowing green sap from the prime roots in this interesting and mildly psychoactive drink. You may notice colours are enhanced and your appreciation of art and the glories of nature are intensified. That or you may just end up talking complete bodocs all night. Often served with warm honey to take the edge off the strong flavour some habitual drinkers report seeing a tiny green kami. - 200 dappers a shot.
(Drink along from home with Absinthe!)
Yelk Tea
Mushrooms, collected from Yelk-back are dried, shredded and brewed into a tea along with several other ingredients. The final result is an amber coloured tea, sweetened with honey which provides the drinker with a much more powerful and immediate state of altered awareness than Psykopinthe. Do not operate Magic Amps or Mektoubs under the influence. - 300 dappers a cup.
(Drink along from home with exotic teas!)
Yrkanis Reserve Wine
Liberated from stocks laid down in Yrkanis (the city) to celebrate the triumphal coronation of Yrkanis (the king) this wine has somehow come into the posession of the Thesos bar. A rich and fruity red this wine goes well with capryni, bodoc and ploderous meat. - 1000 dappers a glass.
(Drink along from home with a decent red wine).
Matisian red and white wines - made from grapes, berries or blossom these are standard table wines found all across the Matis lands - 150 dappers a glass.
(Drink along from home with cheap plonk)
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold... We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
That'll explain the cross-border trips in the darkness of the night, collecting moonshine.
While I assume Samsara will be busy setting up roulette tables, one-arm bandits and beer taps, and other cunning ways to split homins and their daps. I'd like to offer my services for any homins who need to walk from Pyr to Thesos. I'll be at the Pyr TP at 7.30pm. (or pubtime -1 hour )
toneh wrote:I'd like to offer my services for any homins who need to walk from Pyr to Thesos. I'll be at the Pyr TP at 7.30pm. (or pubtime -1 hour )
I am rather concerned about the way home. Last time using a tp ticket after Yelk tea ended up that i woke up in a strange place. I was surrounded by crowds of small people. Much smaller them me. Hihi. They called themselfes dwarfes and gnomes and the place was called Ironforge. WTF...
...finally i woke up, drenched in sweat, from this weird dream and found myself below the bridge. I guess the Varinx didnt touch me cause you smell like Yelk after that tea.
I should keep away from that stuff.
BTW: Why is Jyudas naming the prices when the evening is sponsored ?
Psylo - Tryker and Homin
Shinto Digging Ltd.
typing errors are intended and ment for entertainment
micrix wrote:BTW: Why is Jyudas naming the prices when the evening is sponsored ?
OOC: Just for RP fun, we won't be charging you for drinks
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold... We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.
toneh wrote:I'll be at the Pyr TP at 7.30pm. (or pubtime -1 hour )
Thanks Toneh, they'll be in safe hands with the Divine Council.
While normally we'd charge to escort people from A to B, in this case we're happy for others to get homins to the bar. I'm sure everyone will have a much better time arriving with a pocket full of dapper to fritter away .
Low Officer [highlight]Rashan[/highlight], Expert Heavy Armorer The Samsara - Wealth and Glory
[thread=11008]We are recruiting. I DARE you to apply![/thread]
Whole Roast Suckling Yubo
Normally available as a meal for several people at a cost of 2,500 dappers the Suckling Yubo is gutted and then its flesh is slit in multiple places, the slits filled with dried fruit and the Yubo roasted over a crackling fire of twigs over charcoal to impart a rich smoky flavour, its blood rubbed back into its skin for a salty flavour and better crackling. However, due to a shortage of Yubo throughout the Fyros territories - thanks to refugee hunting, and the disruption of supplies from other lands due to the actions of the YLF no roast suckling Yubo will be available. If you bring your own the managaement of the Thesos bar will have it roasted for you at no charge, provided you share.
Spicy Izem Wings
A favourite snack of the desert people the wing muscle is the tenderest, juiciest piece of muscle on the otherwise rather stringy izem. The skin flaps and excess bone are torn away leavy a section of meat which is steeped overnight in spices and then slowly cooked on skewers in a mudbrick over. Delicious. 100 dappers each.
Bodoc Steaks
Thick, juicy and no longer making annoying 'Murr' sounds next to your ear. A much better way to experience the majesty and bulk of these gentle beasts by eating them. Untarnished by spice or seasoning these are served with boiled tubers. 750 dappers.
Flaming Forest Oysters
Best not to ask what these are, but they've never been near the sea. 500 dappers per pair, full of goodness.
Thesos Fishcakes
With the rise and fall of the oasis over the seasons sometimes the fish need to bury themselves in the surrounding sand to wait out the time until the water rises again. To do this they fall into a sort of hibernation and can be kept that way by careful storage meaning they are always fresh and ready for eating. Some are ground up, mixed with light spices and fresh coconut milk and then fried each side, served with a lightly spiced mashed tuber. A more subtle taste experience than many Fyros dishes. 650 dappers.
Dry Roasted Caprice Seeds
Served free in bowls at the bar.
Honey Cups
A dense and heavy pastry made using the minimum of water, milk or butter but with plenty of sweetness is then filled with the thick, almost solid honey of the desert bees. A little touch for more delicate pallates but so sweet you'll be running around like a Tryker! 100 dappers each, 150 dappers with bodoc cream.
Glazed Katin Larvae
Strike a blow of revenge against the kitin by eating their young, blanched in boiling sugar water, glazed with honey and crumbled caprice seed. A sublime and flaky crunch, a rich and exotic experience not to be missed. 1000 dappers each.
Kipee Curry
A staple of the free-roaming tribes as the rich spices can be used to cover up the flavour of rotting meat. When made with fresh meat it is even better! If you can stand the heat that is... served on a broad leaf with a spicy tuber mash and best accompanied by flatbread. 750 dappers per plate.
Filled Flatbreads
Mudbrick over, charcoal baked flatbreads stuffed with the ingredient of your choice from capryni cheese, kipee curry, caprice seed, honey or fishflakes! 250 dappers, 200 dappers for plain.
High Officer in the Samsara
Currently pondering R2, please hold... We're neutral, you're just too cheap to hire us.
Remember, other people exist than yourself.