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[DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:20 pm
by lawrence
This just in from Nevrax:
To improve the quality and consistency of the skill titles, we are planning to change some of the current ones. We would like to have your point of view on this subject, along with change propositions if you have some.

Since the list is quite long, you can download our internal spreadsheet of the planned changes (EN/DE/FR titles), or click on 'Read more' to get only the English ones. I've also included a description of our reasons, which you should read before making your propositions, since it's important to match them.

Also, this is the first item to be put on the 'Under Consideration' section of the website. Some other items, such as explanations on the PvP features and rebalancing will soon come to populate this section.
Link to the full article:

Feel free to use this thread to discuss the planned changes and to submit your suggestions for new, improved titles.

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:25 pm
by sprite
Bleh, easiest to do my objection with an example....

Fyros Heavy-Swordsman, only ever used Stavon swords... suddenly becomes a Slathist, despite never having used a Matis 2h Sword. What's up with that?

Its cool and all... nice idea, but needs more thought imo.

Some are very cool, eg "Master Executioner" or "Master Assasin" but some really do suck. Especially Life Giver. :|

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:25 pm
by sehracii
Aaahhhh!!! :eek:

What did they do???

Granted some changes were needed....

But... but... GAH

Take th elist away, I can't stand ot look at it anymore :(

Note: I'll be back later with a productive post, this is just too much to handle right now.

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:28 pm
by toneh
Prehaps just use 'l33t'

Just got Master of Pain, and then it goes :D

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:36 pm
by iphdrunk

* Remove the "lord" in Mind Lord (current) and Crusher Lord (proposed): make them sex-agnostic e.g. "Mind Numbler" (just suggestion) and "Crusher Master" (as the rest)

* The 'Oracle' doesn't seem to fit (imho)

* The 201 titles based on weapons is, imho, confusing (yes, yes, the weapons having actual names is a nice thing to have, but not a lot of players use them) and (as previous poster)
- why pick a race name and not the other?
- what if a fyros char uses exclusively zorai weapons?
- why are the 'race specific weapon name based titles' given at 201 and not 250?

* Why Swordsmaster and then Elite Lancer? (it would be nice to keep it coherent)

* Why Executioner? (I can't execute with a sword?)

* Master Assasin
- why prefix it with Master, if Assasin is clear
- why not Master of the knife/dagger? (like Master of the blade/fist)

Personal taste:


'Oracle' (pweeeeze)
'Dream' (Illusion better imho)
'Devastation' (and then Destruction?)

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:07 pm
by alexrowe
What about a title when you get all magic 250?

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:21 pm
by kibsword
Whats Raylerist?

Is this a new title for some sort of energy based weapon?

I noticed it among the range weapons :)

It was not changed, its new which has got me wondering :p

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:47 pm
by forever
This new list is more confusing when the old one.
Are some of these real words? Nankarist, Taluseer, Katoorian, Haquer ....
I also thing Oracle is the wrong word to use.

Good idea but it still needs lots of work.

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:48 pm
by martinr
Does Master of the Fist come with its own emote?

"Your kung fu is weak and obsolete, you have offended my honour"

Re: [DEV] Proposed Title Changes

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:53 pm
by iphdrunk
forever wrote:Are some of these real words? Nankarist, Taluseer, Katoorian, Haquer ....
These are the names of the weapons: e.g. Jabus for dagger, Talus, Stavon, Katoo (e.g. Electric Katoo), Slathe (Living slathe) so are they real? in ryzom universe yes, but they are confusing and rarely used (if any crafter gets requests for a supreme Kara Vestini rather than 'Matis Caster pants' or a 'punnel' or a .... then I'm wrong). They are used in missions and then you need to check in a website or in your crafting interface to see what exactly the mission giver wants)