Message from a kami spy
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:01 pm
Dear homins,
I 'm Toramo , the high Officer of Legion of Atys, tonight during the battle against some kami in Trench of Trials, i have seen a strange message from a Kami spy, his name is Shekyr
I have decifrate this message and it says:
" Hail Master,
I bring you knews from the homins town.
They are lead diffrently in each town: The Matis has a king, however they all have Marshall, whom they follow blindly with their shouts of faith of their beloved.
Such fools!
Let us see if their faith lasts when we unleash our....
However, on with my report.
The ones who follow HER are most vulnerable.
After watching them in Fount, last week, i feel we should take that too till my next report.
Master your loyal servant Shekyr"
We must be all in big allert ...the kami spy is not died during the battle.
i think that from this letter is clear that are not the karavan the aggressive faction.
Be carefull, your faithfull Toramo
I 'm Toramo , the high Officer of Legion of Atys, tonight during the battle against some kami in Trench of Trials, i have seen a strange message from a Kami spy, his name is Shekyr
I have decifrate this message and it says:
" Hail Master,
I bring you knews from the homins town.
They are lead diffrently in each town: The Matis has a king, however they all have Marshall, whom they follow blindly with their shouts of faith of their beloved.
Such fools!
Let us see if their faith lasts when we unleash our....
However, on with my report.
The ones who follow HER are most vulnerable.
After watching them in Fount, last week, i feel we should take that too till my next report.
Master your loyal servant Shekyr"
We must be all in big allert ...the kami spy is not died during the battle.
i think that from this letter is clear that are not the karavan the aggressive faction.
Be carefull, your faithfull Toramo