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Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 1:02 pm
by rrwfreak
This is your friendly neighborhood rabid werewolf just dropping by to say howdy and that I miss everyone.

I've been awol due to having to have some surgery on the 25th of June. I'm still recouping as staring at the screen for more than 5 minutes makes me all dizzy and giddy. I hope to be back and playing asap ...... poor Dekkert probably has cabin fever from being stuck in his little apartment all this time.

Have I missed much goings ons ? What pray tell is happening in my Fyros these days?

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:08 pm
by iphdrunk
rrwfreak wrote:This is your friendly neighborhood rabid werewolf just dropping by to say howdy and that I miss everyone.

I've been awol due to having to have some surgery on the 25th of June. I'm still recouping as staring at the screen for more than 5 minutes makes me all dizzy and giddy. I hope to be back and playing asap ...... poor Dekkert probably has cabin fever from being stuck in his little apartment all this time.

Have I missed much goings ons ? What pray tell is happening in my Fyros these days?

Hello Dekky :)

II hope everything goes perfectly, you are missed as well (glad to know you did not quit) and get on well soon :) you only missed a little invasion, so come back soon !

Best regards

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:09 pm
by alexrowe
Its good to hear you ok Dek, i was wondering what happen hope to see ya soon online :) . Still the same thing on SOR so you haven't miss that much was a RAID but was kind of lame the patrols didn't attack you (aggro) so no challege.

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:11 pm
by vinnyq
Hey, get well soon. Fyros still is luvly in the summer (and all year round as a matter of fact, haha).

Fyros rulz! Matis droolz!

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:31 pm
by basicart
ya missed a raid :D

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 6:28 pm
by ambika
DEK!!! I missed joo! :o

I kept wondering when ya was gonna log. :(

Glad to hear you're coming back soon, though. :D

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:09 am
by keoni
Hiya Dek, I'm looking forward to havin' my favorite lycanthrope back on Atys :cool: ... I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings if you haven't already heard, but Joe's has gone to poof :( But there are guilds out there with similar philosophies...

Re: Howdy all..........been awol for about the last month

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:09 am
by splatula
Hello Dekkert!
Oro will be so happy to see that you are back! :D We were both afraid you'd faded away completely :(
As for Joe's, it is not dead, but is unconscious. With Oro working out of town for while, Hunthor out of game for a couple of months, and you AWOL, Oro left the guild in the hands of Magog. My secret kami lover has seen the light, and erm, joined the Dark Side ;) (for you fans of Greek Mythology, that will make sense, given our guild name :P However, I must point out that we are far more friendly and gentle than that Goddess. She was the personification of the Beta experience for our Elders, and is a great Patroness of PR diggers ;) )

Anyway, whether you would like to join us, or follow your own path, know that you, friendly Fyros gentleman that you are, will always be most welcome at our fireside and in our hearts :D
