this is what i have found in the last few days ( if its any help)
think about what you want to be..
first i would say when you make your chr dont pick fighting.. this is the only skill you can raise without having to spend 50 skill creds from another skill to buy the starter kit.
second if you want to focus on magic i would suggest you pick 1st 2nd and 3rd magic simply because it gives you more options to custom make your attacks . when you hit lvl 20 and can get lvl 3 attacks in magic you wont need to spend alot of skill credits on stuff like crasting time/ sap used /range etc as you will have alot of them to start with.
if your going for crafting i would only take one of the 3 options as crafting simply because you can level to 25+ just making light armor boots and you will have plenty of crafting skill creds to pick which items you rearly want to craft. picking anymore than one will only give you some basic mats and some more light armor to craft.
if your going harvest you could prob get away with just one but 2 helps alot . not much point in getting all 3
so as i found
if you want to be a magic caster .. pick 1 2 3rd all magic.. you can raise fighting easy and if you did want to go crafting/harvest you can spend fighting creds on it as there will be alot left over if you dont pick fighting special attacks.
if you want to be a crafter i would suggest 1st harvest 2nd harvest 3rd crafting as this will give you a boost to finding mats and you dont need much to start crafting.
if you want to go fighting i would suggest doing ever of the 2 i just said but when you raise those skills spend your creds on helth/stam/heals etc and spend fighting skill points on fighting moves /attacks .
i hope this helps some. i hope its not wrong... anyone got anything to add?
tips makeing your chr..
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