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Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:25 am
by fanatiq
Hey all,

I myself is a Tryker, and have a friend who will receive his game soon who wants to play another race, but since we want to be able to play with each other fairly quickly, I was wondering how hard it is to travel from one of the other countries, in this case most likely Fyros, to Tryker mainland. Is it possible to do say, in the first 30 levels?

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 2:45 am
by vladww
This seems to be very hard , there's a whole thread about it in the french forum .
I'm myself lvl 51 & haven't manage yet to link Firos to Zorai ( next to Tryker ), but i gonna try again tomorrow :)

If one's cautious & lucky ( or high level of course ) it can be made it seems, but the continent being so huge, it can take a few hours..
Another way is to be escorted by an experienced group doin the trip but ther's hardly any doin it as yet.

Here's a map that may help

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 11:47 am
by shrike
The only way to make it is to sneak past a whole bunch of very highlvl aggros - it can be done with some practice. It's not easy, though.

It doesn't matter at all which lvl you are for this, be it 1 or 100. If you want to *fight* your way through you probably need to be lvl 200 ;)

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:05 pm
by miths999
I had pretty much assumed that once you were somewhere in the 50-100 range in combat/magic you would be able to travel to the regions of the other races if you felt like seeing something else than your own terrain type (desert, jungle etc.), and perhaps to try out some of their armor/weapons instead (just for the looks of course :) ).

The only places I had expected it would require very strong combat skills would be the prime root regions, but on the other hand, looking at a portal connection map it is obvious that you will often have to travel through the prime root areas to get to the mainlands of other races.

Did you mean you will have trouble even making it to the portals in your own mainland, or that fighting your way through the prime roots to reach the next portal is the hinderance?
My Tryker was sort of hoping to pay a visit to the desert and perhaps the forest in the next couple of weeks :) .

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:11 pm
by shrike
Again: You can make it through, but only by sneaking past the aggro mobs , NOT by fighting them. For this you'll have to be lvl 200+ (be it prime roots or overland routes). And you will die very very very often. The trick is to find the right aggro-free corridors and move quickly when you see an opening where aggros are blocking the way.

Good news is that your death penality isn't increasing after ~ 10 deaths :D

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:30 pm
by paccia
As previously mentioned travelling within Atys is hard but it can be done.
At the moment only Tryker stands alone as an unvisited land...Unless some one knows better

for travel info contact the following they have travelled to Zoari, Fyros & Mattis

Paccea. Fyros.
Twitches. Zorai.
Zenchi. Fyros.
Silverion. Zorai.

There may be others. We are not however high lvl just good at sneaking

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:39 pm
by weiseman
And don't fear Death Penalty.

It takes lots of deaths to finally get thru, but once you got to where you wanted to, you're happy and wear off that terrible DP.

As said above, it's not a matter of levels, you might be level 150 2h melee, you won't stand a chance alone against one of those orange/red/purple con mobs: if they catch you you're doomed.
Considering this, everyone can travel across the lands, just takes a lot of time and many deaths.

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 12:55 pm
by silverio
Some advices... Monsters have day night cicles, when they sleep they group and stand tight to each other then you can sneak between, always there is one or two that are wake and patrol but be patient and you will get pas them, i died too many times when i wished to go fast .. simply go there wait and run when there is opening you have to learn a way hard way ... many times you will run and find yourseld in middle of aggros that of course all start to move towar you :D

Kipucka are worst of all they attack from incredible range.

Other note that can help if 2 monsters are fighting and you pass near IF agressive one win he will go after you across half continent ...

One of great things is that traveling you see that world is alive that monsters live its day and night have its heard or hunt pack travel from place to place very nice ONLY thing ruining this is when isee stupid patrol of 20 man pass in middle of torback pack i simply cannot support this,,,

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 1:09 pm
by Eshin
silverio wrote:Kipucka are worst of all they attack from incredible range.
You sure you're not talking about Kinchers now? I mean, kincher aggro specifically is something to be reckoned with, truly ;)

Re: Travelling between countries.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:29 am
by rugster
paccia wrote:
Paccea. Fyros.
Twitches. Zorai.
Zenchi. Fyros.
Silverion. Zorai.
Interesting stuff in this forum.

as for getting in, go solo or with a couple of intelligent friends. If you aggro something, find water or die. lol.

Patience is a virtue. As is courage.