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What to forget forgotten

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:18 am
by hans1976
Down comes the axe, open split the ragus' skull, fur and brains send flying. There is blood on the gleaming Kostomyx vest, on the pants and boots, on every part but the helm. None of these grotesk pictures of dread is hers.

Turn left and swing, a suprised cry of anger cut short as the cute looks at the blade dug deep into his lungs. Too deep, she has to kick hard to get him off. The cute's mate takes a sharp claw at her unprotected face, cutting her forehead.

Her blood is on her face, mixed with sweat and goo, as a mask of wraith. The wraith gets in her eyes, nose, mouth.

Of lately she no longer fights against the red haze but only hopes. Hopes that no friends are around, hopes that she can repay any killed lifestock. Deep inside she hopes never to wake up again.

Her trusted Lracalicious pulls free, the dead male hits the ground lightly. Head titled down, slowly she turns to the female and their eyes lock. The last thing this Tryker remembers is the fear in the cute's eye as she feels her mouth form a vicious grin.

Somewhere far off a patrolling scout can hear a battlecry echoing through the gorges, over the hills. He sighs and returns to the camp for his bag of herbs and the stretcher he made to carry her.

Small salty drops fall and form tiny craters in the sand next to his footsteps untill the winds blow his trails over.