How to receive a "res plz"!
Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 4:37 pm
I know there used to be an old thread about this, but this really irks me sometimes. :0)
Please, never say those two words ("res plz") without any sort of direction in region chat. I am all for running out of my way to heal someone...but let me know EXACTLY where you are! Here's a general set of DOs and DON'Ts I think most people who resurrect often can agree on:
DON'T wait around for a minute before making the SOS call. Type it while you're going down!
Every second you waste before making the SOS call, is a second less that the healers have to find you.
DON'T demand a resurrection.
YOU are the one who goofed in some way or another that caused your demise. Healers may go out of their way to res you, but it's not a guarantee. However, most anyone that can offer a res will respect the fact that you took the time to follow some proper etiquette. Spamming for a res over and over in region chat is the fastest way to be ignored and probably NEVER get resurrected by any healers that saw your demands.
DON'T EXPECT a resurrection.
You CAN'T bury yourself head first in a kitin nest like the Tunnel of Woe and expect someone to heal you. Likewise, if you made the hike 1000 meters away from a common spot and died, your chance of getting a res is much less than if you stuck around a popular area.
DON'T use relative directions - around, behind, left, right! Not everyone is facing the same way you are.
"I'm behind the tree, to the left of the torbaks."
DON'T call for another resurrection within a minute of getting resurrected the first time. You died, take a quick break, regain your senses...don't go off and try to be Superman.
Most people that res may be willing to do 2 back to back...but you may not get a third res or you will get grumbles within just a few minutes of each other.
DON'T respawn after an SOS call without notifying region.
"Thanks for trying...respawning in 30 seconds."
DO use ABSOLUTE directions - north, east, south, west. Also try and give a distance in meters.
"I'm 150 meters southwest of the Tunnel of Woe." -or- "I'm between the words 'Den of Fury' and 'Fleeting Garden' on the map."
DO give your time left in 30 or 60 second intervals.
"I'm 150 meters southwest of the Tunnel of Woe. 4:30"
DO let people know what killed you.
"I'm 150 meters southwest of the Tunnel of Woe. 4:30, died to a source explosion."
DO thank your healer in region chat!
Don't thank them in around chat, thank them in region chat. This lets the region know you're up and you're alright, and shows respect for the healer.
Please, never say those two words ("res plz") without any sort of direction in region chat. I am all for running out of my way to heal someone...but let me know EXACTLY where you are! Here's a general set of DOs and DON'Ts I think most people who resurrect often can agree on:
DON'T wait around for a minute before making the SOS call. Type it while you're going down!
Every second you waste before making the SOS call, is a second less that the healers have to find you.
DON'T demand a resurrection.
YOU are the one who goofed in some way or another that caused your demise. Healers may go out of their way to res you, but it's not a guarantee. However, most anyone that can offer a res will respect the fact that you took the time to follow some proper etiquette. Spamming for a res over and over in region chat is the fastest way to be ignored and probably NEVER get resurrected by any healers that saw your demands.
DON'T EXPECT a resurrection.
You CAN'T bury yourself head first in a kitin nest like the Tunnel of Woe and expect someone to heal you. Likewise, if you made the hike 1000 meters away from a common spot and died, your chance of getting a res is much less than if you stuck around a popular area.
DON'T use relative directions - around, behind, left, right! Not everyone is facing the same way you are.
"I'm behind the tree, to the left of the torbaks."
DON'T call for another resurrection within a minute of getting resurrected the first time. You died, take a quick break, regain your senses...don't go off and try to be Superman.
Most people that res may be willing to do 2 back to back...but you may not get a third res or you will get grumbles within just a few minutes of each other.
DON'T respawn after an SOS call without notifying region.
"Thanks for trying...respawning in 30 seconds."
DO use ABSOLUTE directions - north, east, south, west. Also try and give a distance in meters.
"I'm 150 meters southwest of the Tunnel of Woe." -or- "I'm between the words 'Den of Fury' and 'Fleeting Garden' on the map."
DO give your time left in 30 or 60 second intervals.
"I'm 150 meters southwest of the Tunnel of Woe. 4:30"
DO let people know what killed you.
"I'm 150 meters southwest of the Tunnel of Woe. 4:30, died to a source explosion."
DO thank your healer in region chat!
Don't thank them in around chat, thank them in region chat. This lets the region know you're up and you're alright, and shows respect for the healer.