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Ever wondered why there are so many Yubos around the capital cities?

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 11:51 pm
by mrozzy
Like each wednesday night, I was having a late night drink with Lydix Deps, he's the barman at Leanon street in Pyr.
Tonight it went a little different as usual. Lydix usualy is quite ok, since he has a pretty busy bar. He doesn't get really drunk so often. But apparently he had a fight with his wife and he was pretty wasted when I arrived.
I had a few drinks with him, and we were talking about his wife most of the time.
I was telling him how much I liked his beer, and I got a response I didn't really expect. I'm quoting Lydix here (about the beer): "... to bad it isn't so tasty anymore when you know its made from yubo piss". I went like *glup*.