"Potion Like Consumables"
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 2:08 am
Greetings, homins.
Once again Xanavan has something to say about *possible* future content, giving you the opportunity to argue and point out the defects in my ideas.
Today, it's about the potion like consumables previously mentioned in the forums and other places regarding Ryzom. I don't know if Nevrax has thought about the following ideas, but nonetheless I would like to share my thoughts on the topic.
Anyways, go get the the point, I think these potions would be a great idea. If I were on the development team, I would suggest making these different from other games, in order to go along with most of the other elements that make Ryzom so great. So, instead of having little bottles of different colors corresponding to what they heal, how bout making them like food. (food other than eggs
) This food and drink could be purchased from the local barman and would contribute a variety of bonuses to the consumer. For instance, in addition the the life/sap/stamina etc. heals, there could also be melee aura and magic aura and invulnerability etc. too. <----(I know Nevrax has already thought of that, judging by the egg event) Also, to add some more coolness and realism, how bout adding some things that give a timed bonus like one that lets you hit harder for twenty minutes, or one that increases your regens for a fixed amount of time. Then, the downside of substance is that it makes you tired after it's done. Kinda like a sugar high
Also, there could be potions that increase your stats for a little while, allowing you to use a better weapon or armor for the duration of a hunt, as well as granting extra life or stamina or whatever.
To add even more coolness, what about making some "illegal" substances
These would be rare, found only in certain cities or some even that only certain outlands hawkers carry. These could give extra special bonuses, the downside being that it could hurt you over time or that if you die and the kami/karavan have to rez you, they could penalize you with extra DP, since the substance is illegal. There could even be some of these potions that are legal in some regions but outlawed in others. For instance, everything would be legal in Fyros lands... 
Lastly, there would be the same idea with the quality of the potion as there was with the eggs. The greater the quality, the more the bonus does or lasts for. Also, I think each of the "special" potions mentioned (i.e. non-generic) should have a downside. This is where fine/choice/excellent etc. comes in. The higher grade of the material decreases the "side effects."
This is just about all I have to say on the topic, so i'll let you guys bark at me now
Thank you for your time, you were an outstanding audience
/dramatic--*Xanavan strikes a pose*
Once again Xanavan has something to say about *possible* future content, giving you the opportunity to argue and point out the defects in my ideas.
Today, it's about the potion like consumables previously mentioned in the forums and other places regarding Ryzom. I don't know if Nevrax has thought about the following ideas, but nonetheless I would like to share my thoughts on the topic.
Anyways, go get the the point, I think these potions would be a great idea. If I were on the development team, I would suggest making these different from other games, in order to go along with most of the other elements that make Ryzom so great. So, instead of having little bottles of different colors corresponding to what they heal, how bout making them like food. (food other than eggs

To add even more coolness, what about making some "illegal" substances

Lastly, there would be the same idea with the quality of the potion as there was with the eggs. The greater the quality, the more the bonus does or lasts for. Also, I think each of the "special" potions mentioned (i.e. non-generic) should have a downside. This is where fine/choice/excellent etc. comes in. The higher grade of the material decreases the "side effects."
This is just about all I have to say on the topic, so i'll let you guys bark at me now

Thank you for your time, you were an outstanding audience
/dramatic--*Xanavan strikes a pose*