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Wedding of Seren and Neun - posponed

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:49 pm
by borg9
Due to an escalation is a personal conflict, it is with must sadness that we have decided to postpone our wedding to a more peaceful time.

I would like to thank all of those who went to great lengths in preparing for this, our big day. As I fear for the safely of my family and friends, now would not be the right time to bring a neutral, caring person into such a conflict.

I will keep you informed of our future plans.

Please accept my apologies for the short notice and the inconvenience to others.

Re: Wedding of Seren and Neun - posponed

Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:07 pm
by sprite
I'm very sad to hear that Neun, I had no idea you were under threat :(

Re: Wedding of Seren and Neun - posponed

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 7:59 am
by borg9
We will be married and a new date will be arranged :D

We would like to thank everyone for all there support. Its only in a time of need that you realise how many true and good friends you have.

So thanks to all of you, you really did make a difference to the way I was feeling.

(*hugs* CSR team for being so understanding after all the work you put in)

Thanks to all the IG friends, you really do make the follow words true...

A friend, when in need, is a friend indeed.

Re: Wedding of Seren and Neun - posponed

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:44 am
by hans1976
borg9 wrote:A friend, when in need, is a friend indeed.
Now that reminded me of a song from Placebo when you posted it:

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breast and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling
Day's dawning, skins crawling
Day's dawning, skins crawling
Pure morning
Pure morning
Pure morning

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who'll tease is better,
Our thoughts compressed,
Which makes us blessed,
And makes for stormy weather,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend who bleeds is better,
My friend confessed she passed the test,
And we will never sever,

Day's dawning, skins crawling
Day's dawning, skins crawling
Day's dawning, skins crawling
Pure morning
Pure morning
Pure morning

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
My Japanese is better,
And when she's pressed she will undress,
And then she's boxing clever,

A friend in need's a friend indeed,
A friend with weed is better,
A friend with breast and all the rest,
A friend who's dressed in leather.