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Faction Fued

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:14 pm
by brithlem
Welcome all lovers of Kami and followers of Karavan. I thank you for your time that I am about to take up.

The question has been building ever since the server merge... which faction is the strongest... and within each faction... which guild? My guild, Infinity, will be answering this question in the form of a PvP event on May 7th... 8PM BST, 3PM EST, and Noon PST... all are encouraged to attend.

The format:
-Each guild is welcome to bring 1 "team" which will consist of 6 players. This is to allow the smaller guild to be able to participate in addition to the larger guilds with whom we are all accustomed to seeing in our daily travels.

-Each guild need register with either myself (Brithlem), Shifter, Caitiff, or Drakinos with your guild name and faction you represent.

-Show up armed to the gills about a half hour before the event is scheduled to start so we can begin organizing everyone such that this event will not take longer than necessary to complete.

-The victorious guilds for each faction will recieve prizes (250; pikes, amps; heavy armor... we're not sure as to the specifics but that's part of the fun).

-In addition to what is given away for being the top guild of each faction the overall winner of the Kami vs. Karavan will recieve an additional gift.

-Finally, at the end of the event, Infinity reserves the right to challenge the overall winner at the end of the event

Be ready homins, prepare yourselves thoroughly and see you Saturday May the 7th.

Re: Faction Fued

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:45 pm
by random44
Nice idea Brithlem, very nice idea. If i don't participate, I will defianately watch.

One question though: what of bragging rights?
Honestly, I would prefer there were none, because most likely the high level Kami aligned mages won't shut up about it (no names mentioned ;) )

Also, I'm assuming the event will take place in the Matis arena, but could you clarify that please?

Anyways, nice idea again. And also, can I bring my Karavan gaurdian buddies? :)

Re: Faction Fued

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:11 am
by brithlem
Matis Arena yep.... my bad for not posting that in the initial thread. And sure... if you can get the karavan / kami guardians to accept a team invite.... bring them along. The more the merrier

Re: Faction Fued

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:51 am
by magick1
Any non-guilded homins who wants to make a team? :)