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Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:21 am
by sexym0f0
Hello fellow Homins,

I have split with my Guild recently due to some odd developments. Had many core members leaving to other games or guilds, or due to RL. It just couldn't be rebuilt, even though we tried for over 3 months now. I just didn't feel at home anymore, that's why i quit.

I have gone solo for a bit now, but in the process of the EE and NA shard merging, would like to find a new place for me.

I'm playing since 1st day of release, play a Zorai male char, have seen like all places on Atys, did a lot of exploring. I am not really into powerleveling all the time, but do it now and then when the possibility is there in a good and concentrated team.

I am level 140ish in Jungle Forage (around 60ish in PR, but will really start once 150 in Jungle), 100+ in all weapon crafting trees, 70ish in Jewel crafting, now focusing also on Heavy armor, Shields and Ranged (all 70-100).
Main fighting skill is 2h Piercing (120ish). Never bothered for magic, but leveling now for healing reasons :)

I'm looking for a Guild with dedication for the game, with friendly people who want to find their place on Atys, fight off the Kititns and be a factor in general on Atys.

Anyone interested?


Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:47 am
by rushin
well JD there are lot of us guildless zorai's wandering around now :D

Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:09 pm
by grimjim
rushin wrote:well JD there are lot of us guildless zorai's wandering around now :D
We might have you Rushin, we've been looking for some Zorai members.

Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:52 pm
by sprite
Once the servers merge (or now if you are on EE already) send me (spriteh) a /tell and we can talk :)

Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:23 pm
by rushin
grimjim wrote:We might have you Rushin, we've been looking for some Zorai members.

well i am really in 2 minds about joining a guild :) 1/2 of me really enjoys the freedom and lack of responsibility that i now have. I can log on for 10 hours and go dig in the pr without a care in the world.. on the other hand i miss my old guildies (including u JD :p ) it can b a lonely place without guild chat and guild forum while B@W

well we'll see. things work themselves out eventually =)

Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:20 pm
by quasar11
rushin wrote:well i am really in 2 minds about joining a guild :) 1/2 of me really enjoys the freedom and lack of responsibility that i now have. I can log on for 10 hours and go dig in the pr without a care in the world.. on the other hand i miss my old guildies (including u JD :p ) it can b a lonely place without guild chat and guild forum while B@W

well we'll see. things work themselves out eventually =)
BM's always looking for good folks..(especially cute ones) check out our website. It'll give you an idea of who we are.

Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:28 am
by sunew
sexym0f0 wrote: I'm looking for a Guild with dedication for the game, with friendly people who want to find their place on Atys, fight off the Kititns and be a factor in general on Atys.

Theres a lot friendly and dedicated people in The Sacred Order. We're Currently a neutral guild and include all races.

Check us on at if instreaded.

Re: Looking for new Guild...

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 4:57 pm
by ilthor
If you are interested in a small/family like guild, pm in game... we are only Matis and Tryker atm, but a Zorai would be GREATLY apreciated, as we are Kami and would like to have all the races represented.

if you don't, have fun and hope it turns out good for you ;)