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Xorte is back and is recruiting

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:11 am
by xorte
Hello friends of Atys

I have been away for a few months and have returned to find many of the people I loved to play with have left Atys.

My dear Guild the Ravens reduced to only a few members and reading the boards no heroic attempts at crossing continents or defeating mobs of legend.

My task therefore is to rebuild the Ravens Guild, find new and honourble friends to hunt with, laugh with and create a powerful but benevolent force in the world of Atys.

For if you wish to cross the continents, battle the legendary mobs, brave the lands of Atys in many an adventure, then perhaps the Ravens is for you.

Under new management from our great leader Sabriel we shall grow, flourish, adventure, explore, kill, be killed, conquer and be courageous.

But through it all - we shall always remember - to have FUN !

If you know how to have fun and are looking for a guild in which you have the chance to shine, send me (Xorte) a tell in game or post here.

(You can also send tells to any Raven)

Yours in truth
