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Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:42 pm
by warspawn
Just thought I'd start a thread seeking input about racial abilities and what thoughts the community may have on the possibilities. Early in beta 'Job Sets' were discussed, with each race having an afinity for certain skills. IE, for Trykers, the job sets are listed here: ... s&idart=38

So, for a Tryker Shadowhunter, this description opens up many possiblities:
The Trykers have applied their talent for dodging problems to hunting. They can move around among predators without attracting their attention, so that they can strike at the best time. They prefer to keep danger at arm's length and use mainly long-range weapons for hunting. They hunt animals and avoid plants, as they fear the anger of the Kamis. Having lived in a lakeside environment for many generations, they have also learnt to hunt underwater and to extract resources from the bottom of lakes.

Here's the links to the rest of the racial job sets:

Fyros: ... s&idart=36

Matis: ... s&idart=37

Zorai: ... s&idart=39

All of these lead to unique possiblities and career paths for each race. How much do you think will be implemented? What do you find most fascinating?

Javance Battleborne
XO of Stormhaven

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:30 am
by ayne31
I hope I am allowed to repost here what I said in an own thread but it fits perfectly: ;)

Right now every race is absolutely equal. It makes no difference regarding your skills, abilities and developement. even the mobs have most likely 100% the different stats under their textures.

But that is GOOD because if one race had p.e. +5 CON and -5 INT every would-be uber warrior will chose this one with no magic oriented player touching it.

Its also BAD because theres no reason to think about what you are going to play except for the landscape and worse theres no reason to try a character of every race as there is nothing to *try*.

Once there gonna be racial diversities probably some will be happy ("thats exactly the archetype I llike!" ) and some annoyed ("Why can MY race not do/get this??? )

It will be very hard to implement racial distinctions in a patch that goes live 2 months after the most dedicated players decided for a race as they wont accept sudden disadvantages like skill caps or unavailability of high lvl spells they knew nothing about at charcter creation.

Imo racial diversity has to be somthing that will make a difference in the long run only and mustn't include "exclusive" inate abilities or benefits that makes other races incabable of crafting certain things/travel to cetrtain regions/ get certain spells etc. On the other hand has something to be done to make charakters actually HAVE to travel and build faction with other races.

My proposal for a specialization at creation is one that is coherent with the racial theme so people get what they *can* expect.
Fyros example:
1. choice of fight 3 pack as the only race
2. fight packs include 1: armor/boots 2: weapon/1-hand 1H 3: shield/buckler (regarding packs It would really help if taking a pack 2 or 3 give more diversity. Craft pack 3 with just including 3 light armor plans is not very attractive)
3. choice of magic pack 1 or 2 only
4. Harvesting for weapon mats earlier in the skill tree or cheaper while harvesting for magic focus mats more expensive or later in the skill tree
5. Missions and mats accordingly more available for meleeweapons/armor while less for jewelery and magic focus mats.

All this doesnt mean that they have advantages or disadvantages that will last - they only have an easier/faster path to certain skills and a harder one to others.

In the long run lvl 40+ trainers could be unable to teach certain skills further to their own race so players are forced to travel and build faction to exceed in a certain skill (this is the one thing theat definitely works great in EQ in this way reagarding spells and tradeskills). Also certain quality mats could only to be found in certain environments.

What would really make a difference would be hazardous environments that make it harder for certain races to even be there. Since the penalty system is allready implemented for armor it could work for the environment too. Giving a 1-5% penalty would not stop anyone from entering a given zone but it would greatly enhance the *natural* feeling.

The one thing I would HATE to see is that each race gets ablities (inate or to be aquired) that NO other race can even come near to. The Tryker mentioned above for example: I see no problem if they get the inate ability to breath underwater and get spells exclusively that give a breathe underwater aura. But then at least everyone else should be able to wear some kind of aqualung - if I had to visit a Tryker trainer to learn how to craft those as no other races trainer would teach it it would still be ok with me personally :)

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:04 am
by neiana
ayne31 wrote:Iif I had to visit a Tryker trainer to learn how to craft those as no other races trainer would teach it it would still be ok with me personally :)

You know, this statement alone I like. The rest of the post is kinda bleh to me. But that last statement more than makes up for it.

Let's continue in the example of the Tryker, we are of Wind and Water. So for example we get a special water attack (magic), or wind attack (melee, tornado spin or something) that is unavailable for other racial trainers to train. Now, rather than merely running to the lakelands to acquire this skill, you should do Tryker missions to raise fame with the race first.

This would be acceptable to me.

Another alternative, and one that I particularly would find interesting: (please read all if you intend to comment)

a Tryker magician would get a water damage spell that NO other race could acquire under any means - but would not do any good whatsoever in the lakelands. After all, the critters live around the water, why should it damage them? Anyway, give the Fyros a fire spell and Matis/Zorai other spells etc that work similarly and then you can even count weaknesses here. A Tryker who travels to Pyr could use water damage with a higher percentage of effectiveness than any other spell damage. Water on Fire, right? The Fyros fire spell would be best in the Matis Jungles, Matis best in Zorai and Zorai in Tryker. This would also benefit an invaded land against agressors, say the Fyros attacked the Tryker lakelands... it would be a little easier to hold them off than if the Matis attacked.

This would give every race something 100% unique to their lore, but would not give them an *advantage* anywhere but a selected location. Since Trykers are supposed to be friends with the Fyros, it would be bad to go attacking their outposts, and on down the line. This would also encourage players to travel.

There are downsides to this, of course. You'd have an ability that is completely useless in your own land, equal in 2 other lands, higher in 1 other land, and equal in the roots. To effectively balance this, just give less XP for using said skill - that way everything really does balance out, and you'd have to travel to use your special skills.

- N

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:17 am
by ayne31
neiana wrote:The rest of the post is kinda bleh to me. But that last statement more than makes up for it.
Unfortunately your post had nothing that made up for this statement.

Furthermore I like the idea of hazardous environments more and more.

I am just imagining my toon clad in some cold-protective suit (one more option to crafters) to forage in the *northern wastelands* with me watching his health and sta dropping slowly and trying to calculate how long my prospector can survive in here even without any mobs taking notice of him.....

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:20 am
by smirch
Clicky Central




Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:21 am
by neiana
ayne31 wrote:Unfortunately your post had nothing that made up for this statement.
We have different ideas of fun. I am tired of playing the same character with the same skills no matter what race I pick. It's in 90% of the games of most genres. I want an experience that is actually different.

SMIRCH: Those are probably a year old. It may still happen tho, they looked pretty darn cool in the teaser video.

- N

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:28 am
by ayne31
neiana wrote:We have different ideas of fun. N
We probably have - I am just sick of archetypes, what i dont need is just another (clevery disguised) cleric/ranger/paladin/druid/etc. game ;)

I state it clearly - if Nevrax introduces racial inate abilities or skill paths that are NOT open to other races they betrayed people like me.

I have not paid 50 bucks to become a beta tester for SoR before the *final* version goes life and be forced to reroll every character because the playing field will not stay as leveled as it is now.

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:39 am
by neiana
ayne31 wrote:We probably have - I am just sick of archetypes, what i dont need is just another (clevery disguised) cleric/ranger/paladin/druid/etc. game ;)

I state it clearly - if Nevrax introduces racial inate abilities or skill paths that are NOT open to other races they betrayed people like me.

I have not paid 50 bucks to become a beta tester for SoR before the *final* version goes life and be forced to reroll every character because the playing field will not stay as leveled as it is now.

Well, without racial differences we will *ALL* be one big archetype. Fighter, Magician, Harvest or Crafter ^_~

And I did miss the short bit on hazardous environments.. however, it's exactly the same as my post but without the racial interraction ;)

- N

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:50 am
by ayne31
neiana wrote:Well, without racial differences we will *ALL* be one big archetype. Fighter, Magician, Harvest or Crafter ^_~
This is a matter that can be discussed of course.

But it can NOT be discussed if Nevrax does patch the game not to version 1.x.y but version 2.0.0

In that case it would have been only fair to wait for release until the racial system was fully fledged. I would have been free to identify it as a SF clone of EQ2 in that case and save 50 bucks :/

I am just glad I wasn't in the beta (learned about SoR only about a week ago) otherwise I would possibly be forced to reroll a second time allready....

Re: Racial Abilities, Patch 2 Discussion

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:01 am
by vguerin
Changing racial abilities at this point is a horrible idea... not only has it not been tested, it really hasn't been discussed.

Waiting until after OB1/FBT/OB2/Release to make folks consider other races and take away our current skills is a very bad idea !

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