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Wanting QL 220 Ish Heavy armour

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:34 am
by drazlam
Looking to buy Ql 220 - 230 heavy armour and 2H Sword, full HP boost required, with Max dmg prefered on sword, send /tell in game to "Blaze"

resonable prices plz people, im not gunna buy basic/fine crap for 700k per piece

Re: Wanting QL 220 Ish Heavy armour

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:34 am
by wahlaneh
i dont think anyone can make armor and wpns that high yet, the highest i have seen is 200q swords and armor on merchants, pretty good ones too, choice/exc

Re: Wanting QL 220 Ish Heavy armour

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 6:21 am
by madnak
If someone can make q230, I'd pay a million per piece without thinking twice about it.

Re: Wanting QL 220 Ish Heavy armour

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:52 pm
by drazlam
Sorry to say but i know of people who craft around QL 210, but success rate is low so they have to work on it, where as i dont really want to wait as i want to lvl my melee asap, so call me impatient :D

but, if any of you Ql 220+ 2H Sword % Armour crafters out there are looking at this, send me a tell in game -> Blaze <- we can make it our lil secret :D