Traduction bugs :
- The « Résines de lune » sources are called « Résine de Moon » in french but if you haverst, the final raw material name is the right one.
- The stanza Prospection Faible/Bois is called Prospection Faible/Matière Adhésives with a bundle icon.
- The Pyrs bar NPCs are called Client static bar pyr 1 and 2.
Others NPCs have missing names too like in the forge first floor with forge_apprentice_pyr
- The mission window will now display requisits. The green one are the one fullfiled by the player, the white one are the one not fullfilled by the player -> it seems not to be white but yellow.
Interface Bugs:
- The refresh of characteristics bars under players names (hp/sap/stamina/focus) is not instantaneous. 2 shots killed mobs are for example dead on the ground but still have a half hps bar.
Worster is when a harvester uses his focus and gains it again at the end, his bar is blinking all the time.
- The space bar doesnt select sources anymore. Only friends or ennemis.
- If you try to sell a RM to a player merchant, youll get you cant sell X. Tested on the RM Merchant of Dyron with 1 resin quality 160.
If you sell it directly to him, you get a message you sell <stack.ia> to X for 861 dappers.
- The new amber cube representing the Rite in the Encyclopaedia interface is not really loved by the French community. They think the circle used before is better looking and much adapted. Please bring it back !
- When you are sit and you die, you'll have the death animation but suddenly be stuck standing. weird