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merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:26 am
by seawe
Hi all,
I seawe am merchanting around Atys. If you want anything, from any land, I will find and deliver. for a small fee. Prices are reasonable. Besides this service, I also make a regular trade trip starting in Lakelands every Spring. Going thru the major cities of Atys. So if you have somthing you'd like to sell or buy you can catch me then too.
General schedual:
Spring : Verdant Heights
late Summer: Burning Desert
(soon) Fall : Witherings
Winter : Aeden Aqueous
Intercivilisation trade is a future of Atys!
*ingame email is easiest way to order!
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:24 pm
by trenker
Ahhh a travelling caravan of wonderfull stuff. Well, if you are passing my way (Dyron) then please fill three mektoubs with the following:
Choice Matis/Fyros/Zorai seeds and amber q130+
From wherever you fetch them in yer travels I shall gladly pay you a bounty of 3,500 per individual mat. So, if yer mektoub can carry 1,000 mats then I expect to offer you 10.5 million for a full train of 3 mektoubs laden with aforementioned booty.
I may be able to spare some cash to pay for yer guards if you be coming from afar.
Clan Omnis
Just can't get enough.
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:44 pm
by hans1976
I am willing to pay a fair price for a focus jewelset that exceeds lvl 170. Preferred is a set from another land but Tryker, for stockkeeping reasons.
Hmmm, a travelling merchant. Can be robbed, no? Dont let the Samsara get the word
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:09 am
by sprite
hans1976 wrote:
Hmmm, a travelling merchant. Can be robbed, no? Dont let the Samsara get the word
Lol, I think they could make more money by scaring him with tales of highway robbery and then getting paid to guard him
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:30 am
by boinged
Robbery? Highwaymen? Assasination? These are all slanderous lies and you won't find anyone left alive to prove them!
We are all in favour of promoting free trade amongst the races and will probably be taking advantage of this unique service ourselves. If you do need protection from any hazards you may encounter on your route Seawe, don't hesitate to contact one of our clan. Otherwise, expect a letter from me shortly to find out what you can offer - perhaps we can even come to some arrangement?
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:47 pm
by threbus
boinged wrote:Robbery? Highwaymen? Assasination? These are all slanderous lies and you won't find anyone left alive to prove them!
We are all in favour of promoting free trade amongst the races and will probably be taking advantage of this unique service ourselves. If you do need protection from any hazards you may encounter on your route Seawe, don't hesitate to contact one of our clan. Otherwise, expect a letter from me shortly to find out what you can offer - perhaps we can even come to some arrangement?
but u must expect prices of 500k an guard...
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:59 am
by seawe
Ok, the orders have been noted and i will be contacting you and working on them.
As far as hiring guards gos, this is indeed something i will consider doing in the future.
(as soon as they let us heal our mektoubs
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:02 pm
by trenker
Ahh Seawe, in your travel around Atys, please grab any nails and eyeballs you find. Equal numbers of each roughly, q130+ and basic will do. I will pay you 3,000 per mat, and hopefully there's enough margin there for some profit for you. For expenses, please give us a call and I will make you a q140 hp jewel set for free, which hopefully will stay off any bandit attacks just that little bit longer.
Clan Omnis
Ode to a travelling eyeball seller.
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:32 am
by seawe
Well Tember, i had your order but as you were NEVER on when i was (and i 'm on quite a bit) it was sold to Raynez
Please arrange times for big orders....
And srry Frydeswinde... Ql 170+ has was unavailable, but seems more crafters are getting up to those lvls now... (atleast the ones who sell/trade)
Re: merchanting -- Whispering Windes
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:13 pm
by hans1976
seawe wrote:Well Tember, i had your order but as you were NEVER on when i was (and i 'm on quite a bit) it was sold to Raynez
Please arrange times for big orders....
And srry Frydeswinde... Ql 170+ has was unavailable, but seems more crafters are getting up to those lvls now... (atleast the ones who sell/trade)
*puts on a business face*
Hello Seawe, I have a few new trinkets I would like to see in my inventory in the time to come. I am not worried by availabilty, as that is your job.
I am looking for a jewelset with focus that exceeds ql200, the higher the durabilty, the more I am willing to pay for it.
Also will I buy any basic/fine, choice Lake and any PR mats that can be used in armor of ql140 and up. I pay 2750 per piece in small amounts and will pay 300.000 for a full bundle of 99 pieces. This bonus does not apply to multiple bundles adding up to 99. A 99 bundle is very usefull to me, hence the bonus.
Also I am willing to sell some nice armors to you, contact me in game through mail.