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Bonjour from North American server (Cannes Festival).

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:01 pm
by vinnyq
Hi guys! I can't speak French, but I wanted to say hi and to ask if any guys or gals from the Francais server can give us some info on the outposts, if you get a chance to go to the Cannes festival this weekend.

And mebbe even tell us how cool the event was? If you can that would be so awesome.

Re: Bonjour from North American server (Cannes Festival).

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:30 am
by rajnika
A french guild has a "stand" at Cannes Festival : Les Légions Fyros. They'll take pictures i guess. Anyway we'll give you all infos that we will be able to have :)

And sorry for my bad english :p