Things I like and dislike....
Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:43 pm
I am bored at work and felt like typing so more drivel.....
-Finding a new spot, that was hard to get to but safe to dig.
-Finding a specific material type, Irin oil or Moon Resin.
-Getting the best out of the skills I have, that 1 extra mat.
-Playing with new skills at the major level breaks (can't wait till the lvl 200 toys and 8 spot prospect)
-Harvesting 20m away from a Kirosta praying that it won't get hungry or wake up.
-Finding a basic seed spot directly beneath my favourite choice wood spot
-Finding that my resin spot is actually 6 separate nodes, so I can actually fill my back from a 30m area!
-working with a carer and both getting 1.5k XP each
-it only take 4/5 pulls to clear your DP.
-enjoying the views
-map markers
-Season and weather indicators
-its sooo relaxing
-Standing on a basic oil spot next to a choice spot and propecting with specific mat (oil) & choice only, to be told can't find the material of that specific type, but one of a different grade is near by!!! (I know I am standing on it, thats why I using this prospect you silly game!)
-Getting eaten by a mob who came over to eat the Yelk
-forgetting to switch back from my careplan, noticing that I have use all my focus.
-spots with less that 23 mats in them
-Digging with a broken pick (if its broken it should disappear!)
-Tracking excellent mats in a ql200 region .... it tends to lead you to the Select Mission mats, same as supreme in the ql250 areas
-dying just as you focus bar hits zero and just be for the pull completes
-not being able to drop/take a specific amount of mats from the take pop-up when you have a full bag.
-losing you mats if you start a second dig before taking the previous set of mats.
-Shalahs & Kipees
-The fact tracker, leads you to empty spots and won't track specific if you are standing on ANY mat spot.
-NO CLOCK, when excellent+ mats are also time of day specific.
-always being 50-100 focus of that extra mat
-not being able to turn of the perment source time rite bonus!
-spots that appear inside objects (you said you fixed this, NOT)
-the fact that mats sell for more than the things you make out of them!
-having tracking stanza for the Armour shell and for wood *shug* left over from the days when shells we also armour shell
-only blue, red, white and black in the choice+ mats, I want more colours!
-Working with a good team, thats nicely balanced
-laughing when Fyros say Trykers use water to their advantage, when you then watch them hunt in Dryon or Theos.
-Duels that leave the winner with just 5 HPs left.
-lossing the target on a mob when you die and get rezzed.
-cross team kills means no XP for one time so no point hunting with more than 9.
-the magic nukes are way too powerful
-Getting 9k XP on a perfect craft
-making HQL stuff
-spending hours experimenting with different materails and finding a 'magic' formulea
-so much choice and so many sp
-making a new player a set of armour and giving it to the for free
-Getting 9k XP on a perfect craft and only need 100xp for that particular level.
-Crafting with a broken tool
-Get 10 perfect crafts with junk mats and degrading on your 1 supreme mats craft!
-getting degrades to ql70 from ql180 craft!!!!
-getting 20 fails in a row, just a time sink, you know I going to press the button really fast till I get a result, why do you have to tell me I have failed 20 times
-40 mats in which could have been sold for 3k each to make an item which sell for 42k, then to be only given 32k cas of you fame!!!
-not being able to see whats in you apartment unless you in it!
General stuff
-Traveling via TP
-90% of everything in game (this list is just way to long!)
-the community
-helping new players
-finding new stuff and new places
-the support team (all CSRs)
-Klients and getting slapped but Soul and hugged by Tig
-spending 10mins trying to find a TP ticket (out of the 80/90 tickets in your bag)
-forgetting to by another ticket know that its a 30 min swim to join the hunting party
-going hunting while still wearing you focus jewels (which are currently irreplacable)
-getting tells for armour orders when acting as group healer
this is not a complete list but I just thought I would share it with you.... as I said ... I was very bored
-Finding a new spot, that was hard to get to but safe to dig.
-Finding a specific material type, Irin oil or Moon Resin.
-Getting the best out of the skills I have, that 1 extra mat.
-Playing with new skills at the major level breaks (can't wait till the lvl 200 toys and 8 spot prospect)
-Harvesting 20m away from a Kirosta praying that it won't get hungry or wake up.
-Finding a basic seed spot directly beneath my favourite choice wood spot
-Finding that my resin spot is actually 6 separate nodes, so I can actually fill my back from a 30m area!
-working with a carer and both getting 1.5k XP each
-it only take 4/5 pulls to clear your DP.
-enjoying the views
-map markers
-Season and weather indicators
-its sooo relaxing
-Standing on a basic oil spot next to a choice spot and propecting with specific mat (oil) & choice only, to be told can't find the material of that specific type, but one of a different grade is near by!!! (I know I am standing on it, thats why I using this prospect you silly game!)
-Getting eaten by a mob who came over to eat the Yelk
-forgetting to switch back from my careplan, noticing that I have use all my focus.
-spots with less that 23 mats in them

-Digging with a broken pick (if its broken it should disappear!)
-Tracking excellent mats in a ql200 region .... it tends to lead you to the Select Mission mats, same as supreme in the ql250 areas
-dying just as you focus bar hits zero and just be for the pull completes
-not being able to drop/take a specific amount of mats from the take pop-up when you have a full bag.
-losing you mats if you start a second dig before taking the previous set of mats.
-Shalahs & Kipees
-The fact tracker, leads you to empty spots and won't track specific if you are standing on ANY mat spot.
-NO CLOCK, when excellent+ mats are also time of day specific.
-always being 50-100 focus of that extra mat
-not being able to turn of the perment source time rite bonus!
-spots that appear inside objects (you said you fixed this, NOT)
-the fact that mats sell for more than the things you make out of them!
-having tracking stanza for the Armour shell and for wood *shug* left over from the days when shells we also armour shell
-only blue, red, white and black in the choice+ mats, I want more colours!
-Working with a good team, thats nicely balanced
-laughing when Fyros say Trykers use water to their advantage, when you then watch them hunt in Dryon or Theos.
-Duels that leave the winner with just 5 HPs left.
-lossing the target on a mob when you die and get rezzed.
-cross team kills means no XP for one time so no point hunting with more than 9.
-the magic nukes are way too powerful
-Getting 9k XP on a perfect craft
-making HQL stuff
-spending hours experimenting with different materails and finding a 'magic' formulea
-so much choice and so many sp

-making a new player a set of armour and giving it to the for free

-Getting 9k XP on a perfect craft and only need 100xp for that particular level.
-Crafting with a broken tool
-Get 10 perfect crafts with junk mats and degrading on your 1 supreme mats craft!
-getting degrades to ql70 from ql180 craft!!!!
-getting 20 fails in a row, just a time sink, you know I going to press the button really fast till I get a result, why do you have to tell me I have failed 20 times

-40 mats in which could have been sold for 3k each to make an item which sell for 42k, then to be only given 32k cas of you fame!!!
-not being able to see whats in you apartment unless you in it!
General stuff
-Traveling via TP
-90% of everything in game (this list is just way to long!)
-the community
-helping new players
-finding new stuff and new places
-the support team (all CSRs)
-Klients and getting slapped but Soul and hugged by Tig

-spending 10mins trying to find a TP ticket (out of the 80/90 tickets in your bag)
-forgetting to by another ticket know that its a 30 min swim to join the hunting party
-going hunting while still wearing you focus jewels (which are currently irreplacable)
-getting tells for armour orders when acting as group healer
this is not a complete list but I just thought I would share it with you.... as I said ... I was very bored