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spezial spells

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:27 pm
by cruel76
first thanks for spending time to read this thread.

i know that there are spezial spells like bomb or spray. could someone tell my all of them ( off and deff ), the level at they will be avalible and there function.
thanks :)

Re: spezial spells

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 3:44 pm
by dakhound
cruel76 wrote:first thanks for spending time to read this thread.

i know that there are spezial spells like bomb or spray. could someone tell my all of them ( off and deff ), the level at they will be avalible and there function.
thanks :)

the spell options bounce.bomb,spray become available at lvl 50 but are pretty much useless (especially at that lvl)

later you get the racial spells Fire,electricity,shockwave at lvl (think its 125)

you get double spell at 100 which is probablyonly useful for healer

as for affliction def/off I really dont know but I dont think they get any special spells only get better

(anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong as I am in work and can't properly remember)

Re: spezial spells

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:53 pm
by dazman76
Bomb is very useful for healers, from level 1 of the brick. Bomb heal spells are expensive, but by the same token, you generally only use them when there's no other option, or you have a good backup healer (healing your main healer).

Double spells are incredibly useful, for both healers and offensive mages. For healers, they give you the ability to:

Mix healing spells (heal both Sap and HP at the same time)
Double up healing spells (heal twice as much HP in a single spell)

These are both essential for higher level hunting, i.e. the kind you'll find yourself doing after level 100, when you get the double plans.

For offensive magic, they give the mages the ability to double the damage dealt with each spell - very useful indeed, especially in a setup with 1 archmage, and 1 healer :) Once you get the racial spells, building doubles with those will bring very satisfying results :)

Re: spezial spells

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:42 am
by caitiff
dazman76 wrote: For offensive magic, they give the mages the ability to double the damage dealt with each spell - very useful indeed, especially in a setup with 1 archmage, and 1 healer :) Once you get the racial spells, building doubles with those will bring very satisfying results :)
using doubles also give the possiblity of it succeeding more. Since u have 2 chances of success per cast you will hit more often for a higher mob that u miss a lot on.

Re: spezial spells

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:20 am
by cruel76
thanks for answering my question so quick. :)

Re: spezial spells

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:05 pm
by marct
It does appear that the the defensive Affliction specialist has been spited. The double missle spell at 100 is not a defensive affliction double missle, but a heal double missle. How is this useful?

I have in fact entered a ticket on this as getting a healing double missle for defensive affliction leveling does not seem right.