ATS Report as of patch 048 ::
Rites :
The Geography of Atys - Dew Drops
The missions within the rite asks to locate certain mobs etc, but the mission giver doesnt have these missions on his/her list
Take missions are do-able, but the npcs are extremely hard to find.
Les Ressources Naturelles - Wood Nodes
Again npcs are very very hard to find, not a good selling point for a gamer who wants to find them, gets very frustrating etc
If I had found them, the missions would have been easy enough to complete
Les Ressources Naturelles - Food
Same as for bove, the title is French
See above (same situation, just different npcs to find)
The Creatures of Atys - Clopper
See above (same situation, just different npcs to find)
The Kitins - Kitins in continent Tryker
Very easy rite to complete, 2 issues though on this,
1 # One mission asks to kill 3 Crstabell Skinners, now their location isn't the issue, its the fact they resist and dodge nearly all attacks
2 # The 'give' missions are also a small prob, when you give the items to the npc he asks for 3, when in fact he needs 4; now this still works, just a number typo
Le Peuple Fyros - Fyros Story 2
French title
Once again, couldn't locate the npcs for this mission, even with a guide on the internet, i could not find them. Now players shouldn't have to have a guide to do these; granted they can ask other players, but not have to go to a guide
Miscellaneous ::
The new /afk command works fine, just the title diplays as its missing etc, animation is fine also
The 'trail' that you get when harvesting (the blue effect on the pick) doesn't stay or loop after more than 4 animations
e.g. you raise the pick, it goes down and digs, raise again and the trail doesn't appear anymore
Weapon tools running out - the system window showed it as run out and I couldnt gain anything with it, so I made a Waving Tryker 2h Sword and got 32 exp.......It shouldn't have given exp at all
Invisible mektoub mount riders still an issue, they can go out of visual range or inside a town/city and appear invisible
Known Fix :: relogging and relocating mount fixes issue
All fish in all races appear actually inside the water now and not above it