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bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:00 pm
by vl
Thanks for posting here all the bugs that are rites related (other bugs are supposed to be posted on the general "bugs and questions" board).


Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:05 pm
by vl
On behalf of Atyra :

Matis, Ragus Mission:
- It's still the case, that you got to follow the mob, not the mob follow you.
- Reward Aura animation left.
- Reward Aura symbol is the same as poison.
- It can be, that the ragus stops running and never will go further. In this case you have to cancel and retake the mission.
- The ambercube task giver is mentioned as Lydix Deps, thats the Pyr barman!

- Seems that this mission completely doesn't work. No way to get the rite.

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:24 pm
by Annunaki
These are from the "Route of Thirst" Rite:

- After Finding Be'Marrell Ganan, the mission could not progress as the next step did not appear. Player then abandoned, and began again, with the mission step after Find Be'Marrell Ganan showing as "Talk to (0x0000000000:ff:00:00)".

- Upon returning to the Be'Marrell Ganan, the player got the "wait until the NPC is ready" message, and once the timer was up, had to leave the Fourways area, and re-enter before he could complete the "Talk to" step.

Player eventually did complete the Mission.

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:47 pm
by washh
Here are the first french feedbacks:

Rite : Catching a ragus

  • Problem: At the end of the rite, you give the ragus to the guard but the ragus stays here. If 50 chars do this rite, then we’ll have 50 ragus around the guard.
  • Solution: Free the ragus as soon as you give it back.
  • Problem: If you cancel the mission, you keep the ragus’s bait. If you start the mission again, then you’ll have 2 baits and so on…
  • Solution: Automatically destroy the bait if you cancel the mission
  • Problem: The ragus shows you the way to Yrkanis. You have to follow him and not the opposite.
  • Solution: Force the ragus to stay by you and not to follow a predefined path.
  • Problem: If the ragus get an aggro on the way, he will fight against. Once the target is dead, the ragus could not move anymore, as if he would still be in combat although the target disappeared.
  • Solution: add a check “if no special actions, then continue to follow the char”.

Rite : The route of thirst

  • Problem: During the escort, Be'Marell Ganan’s Mektoub can be aggro and killed by mobs (e.g. goaris). That’s logic and cool BUT at the end, if you finish the rite without the mek (dead) then with Be'Marell Ganan alone, he will tell you “Thanks for the escort… blablabla, talk to the barman while I’ll discharge my mektoub.
  • Solution: if the NPC OR the mektoub dies, then the mission should fails.
  • Problem: When you succeed in doing the mission, Be'Marell Ganan stays in front of the Bar. Other people who are in the “waiting list” can’t do it as he doesn’t disappear.
  • Solution: “Free” Be'Marell Ganan as soon as the mission is completed.
  • Problem: It is impossible to know exactly which mission you should take as there are no recipient names in mission titles.
  • Solution: To add the recipient’s names in the mission’s titles
  • Problem: Once arrived in the 4 roads, a mission step is done and in your diary you get “Talk to (0x00000000000:ff:00:00), Talk to Be'Marrell Ganan”
  • Solution: To correct the NPC code.

Rite: The mad goari lover

  • Problem: When you accept the mission, it is Abytheus Apocaps that you get as target in you compass and not the outpost.
  • Solution: Put the outpost as target excepts if it is as intended.
  • Problem: If you or Pleps Pelorus dies, the mission is not cancelled and time is going on.
  • Solution: Automatically cancel the mission as soon as one dies.

Rite: The Chest of Wisdom - Amber Cubes

  • Problem: The Rite giver’s name is “Lydix Deps” (Pyr’s Barman) although the rite is a matis one.
  • Solution: To correct the name with the Yrkanis’ barman.

Rite : A visit to suppliers

It seems not to be activated. Tested by trykers level 150 but no way to activate it.

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:06 pm
by washh
Rite: A visit to suppliers

  • Problem: If the mektoub dies, then the mission is still active but you’ll be stuck as soon as a NPC will ask for items.
  • Solution: Automatically cancel the mission if the tryker or the mektoub dies.
  • Problem: in the water, the trykers is swimming to fast.
  • Solution: Slow down his swimming speed
  • Problem: If you crash or quit the game during the rite, all tasked will be grayed. If you belong to a group, all members have to do it again too. As soon as the crashed char goes back to the FH Stable, the NPC depop and repop in front of him.
  • Solution:

tryker rite

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:08 pm
by vl
On behalf of Annunaki :

Here is some feedback from the NA Forums:

My first attempt at the Rite I got 90% of the way through it and was swimming back to Fairhaven with my NPC. I got a little too far away from the NPC and they stopped. I thought well I'll just put myself on follow since we were almost done. I right clicked on the NPC and I don't know if I selected the wrong menu item or not, but the NPC and packer disappeared. I ended up abandoning the mission since I could not find them.

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:45 pm
by washh
Rite’s name : [font=&quot]Fyros offerings to the Kamis

Generally, the rite seems really ok and well working.
Problem : The Kami Master’s name doesn’t appear in the around tab : « tells you : blablabla ».

Problem: Kami’s & Karavan’s Altar are currently called “karavan_altar_imperialdunes_pyr “ for example.

Problem: French translation related: in one step of the rite, you can read in your journal "Escortez (0x37305f7200:00:00:14)" instead of "Escortez Piseus Gacaps".

Problem: French translation related: The info window of the final stanza won with this rite is empty. No info currently then.

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:25 am
by atyra
Fyros offerings to the Kamis

- the mission givers aren't shown in the ency-window (the missions are as well)

edit 25.02.05
- mouseover over the SAP-bonus-icon will show <NotExist:btsap12.sbrick>
- the sentenses of the mission descriptions are a bit confused
as example the mission is named "Gather quality1 phial prime rendor blood 60" instead of "Gather 1 phial of prime rendor blood of at least quality 60"

(all english version)

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:51 pm
by washh
1) Catching a clopper
rite giver : crystabell_guard_chief

- The flute has no name in French (Flute Not Exist)

- When you give the flute, you get a text “blabla but no cloppers […] you play blablabla” although you have not play with the flute before.
Solution: add a message “you play with the flute” before this step.

- Only if you are on the waiting list, the NPC’s name in your journal changes to a hexadecimal number. (step “give 3...”)
- If you succeed a prerequis mission in a team, it will not be validated for all the members.

- The mission has a timer to be finished but this timer had to be freeze if you are on the waiting list.

Currently this rite seems to be really bugged. One player reported it as impossible to finish because of the cloppers behaviour. I’m waiting on more feedbacks.

4) Tryker – Liberty Lake & Dew drops
Giver : fairhaven_barman_2

- Some sentences are too long in the compass so you can’t see how far away is the aim

- French grammar: “Chutes de la Rosée” never has a determinant.

5) Oflovak
Giver : pyr_barman

- Mistake on the items name for the prerequis 1, 2 and 4: “Gilets Hobensus” should be “Gilets Hobenus”.

- Prerequis mission from Zenix Mekops give a time of 1mn10sec. It is to short in order to finish it, 5mn should be more doable.

6) kitins hunting – Trykers
Giver : fairhaven_guard_chief

- The Cube is in English instead of French.

Re: bugs reports (rites related)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:42 pm
by secor
ATS Report as of patch 048 ::

Rites :

The Geography of Atys - Dew Drops
The missions within the rite asks to locate certain mobs etc, but the mission giver doesnt have these missions on his/her list
Take missions are do-able, but the npcs are extremely hard to find.

Les Ressources Naturelles - Wood Nodes
Again npcs are very very hard to find, not a good selling point for a gamer who wants to find them, gets very frustrating etc
If I had found them, the missions would have been easy enough to complete

Les Ressources Naturelles - Food
Same as for bove, the title is French
See above (same situation, just different npcs to find)

The Creatures of Atys - Clopper
See above (same situation, just different npcs to find)

The Kitins - Kitins in continent Tryker
Very easy rite to complete, 2 issues though on this,
1 # One mission asks to kill 3 Crstabell Skinners, now their location isn't the issue, its the fact they resist and dodge nearly all attacks
2 # The 'give' missions are also a small prob, when you give the items to the npc he asks for 3, when in fact he needs 4; now this still works, just a number typo

Le Peuple Fyros - Fyros Story 2
French title
Once again, couldn't locate the npcs for this mission, even with a guide on the internet, i could not find them. Now players shouldn't have to have a guide to do these; granted they can ask other players, but not have to go to a guide

Miscellaneous ::

The new /afk command works fine, just the title diplays as its missing etc, animation is fine also

The 'trail' that you get when harvesting (the blue effect on the pick) doesn't stay or loop after more than 4 animations
e.g. you raise the pick, it goes down and digs, raise again and the trail doesn't appear anymore

Weapon tools running out - the system window showed it as run out and I couldnt gain anything with it, so I made a Waving Tryker 2h Sword and got 32 exp.......It shouldn't have given exp at all

Invisible mektoub mount riders still an issue, they can go out of visual range or inside a town/city and appear invisible
Known Fix :: relogging and relocating mount fixes issue

All fish in all races appear actually inside the water now and not above it :)