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Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:43 pm
by jfoxp
I put hate in quotes, because I find it is too strong a word for most people.

What I don't understand is how anyone can dislike, or hate RP?

This discussion isn't about people who simply choose not to roleplay. You can not roleplay, and still not hate it. ;)

What I've never seen before is that some in this community have a "distaste" for roleplay, and make it sound like it's some evil, or bad thing. That's quite a shock to me. Since when is pretending, or acting ad-lib a thing to be characterized as bad? I don't mean offense to those that don't like RP when I say this, but to me, that seems just as absurd as those who characterize D&D as evil, because of their religious superstitions.

I'm not trying to start arguements, or flames here. I will defend the civility of this post, and my attempt at understanding the feelings out there, by asking the moderators for action if flaming starts.

Some definitions of roleplay are:
v. role-·played, role-·play·ing, role-·plays
v. tr.
To assume or represent in a drama; act out: “Participants are encouraged to pass on leads about jobs... and to role-play interview situations with each other” (Hatfield MA Valley Advocate).

v. intr.
To assume or act out a particular role: “When I hire people I role-play with them... to see how they take pressure” (Peter Schrag).


v. role-·played, role-·play·ing, role-·plays

To assume deliberately the part or role of; act out.


v : perform on a stage or theater; "She acts in this play"; "He acted in `Julius Caesar'"; "I played in `A Christmas Carol'"
So, I have some questions that I would like everyone to answer, and give their reasons why.

Do you feel you're all grown up now, and that pretending to be something in a fictional world is silly?


Do you feel that roleplay only has to do with conflict? Examples are RP events that involve PvP, and/or strong Kami vs. Karavan themes.


Do you feel that pretending to be in a role that does not involve your God, and also involves magic to be something blasphemous? (I'm serious on this one, lay off the flames guys. I really want to understand things here)


Is there some other reason that you have a "distaste" or "disgust" for roleplay?

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:42 pm
by danadita
It takes too much energy. When I play, I'm here to escape and take it easy; work off a little steam maybe. Heh - I guess you could say I roleplay a nice person to all the government employees I have to deal with at work and I have no energy left over at the end of the day to RP in the game.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:04 pm
by ambika
danadita wrote:It takes too much energy. When I play, I'm here to escape and take it easy; work off a little steam maybe. Heh - I guess you could say I roleplay a nice person to all the government employees I have to deal with at work and I have no energy left over at the end of the day to RP in the game.
*agrees* Well as far as the whole, log on Ryzom and just take it easy. lol

Also, I tend to be very if I RP, it'd be for different sides and whatnot every couple of days. ><;;;

Don't get me wrong, I DO enjoy RPing. I used to do it lots before...maybe I just need to be around people that RP enough for me to get into it or something x.X;

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:14 pm
by jfoxp
danadita wrote:It takes too much energy. When I play, I'm here to escape and take it easy; work off a little steam maybe. Heh - I guess you could say I roleplay a nice person to all the government employees I have to deal with at work and I have no energy left over at the end of the day to RP in the game.

Now, that makes perfect sense, and does not really seem to match your choice of the word "distaste" in another thread.

For the record though, if roleplaying takes effort and work, then I don't think you're quite doing it right. ;) For me, I roleplay to escape and take it easy. How is that? Well, I just take myself and my personality, and apply it to a fictional character in a fictional world, leaving all traces of "Real Life" behind.

Of course, playing a role in a tense conflict does take effort, and patience. But there are two remedies to that. Firstly, it's called seperation of self and character. Your character is one thing, you are another. In other words, if someone insults your character, you understand it has nothing to do with you. It was the character you're playing that got insulted, not you, yourself.

The second is the most obvious, and sometimes easiest. Simply don't take part in the conflict.

Thanks for explaining though.

I'm still interested to hear from others. :D

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:26 pm
by tetra
Because folks who "roleplay" tend to use "roleplay" as an [strike]reason[/strike]excuse to be rude or be a jerk. Folks who "roleplay" tend to often not be able to set it aside and just play the game without causing problems when the time comes to behave. Folks who "roleplay" tend to be big on words, and little on action... the only exceptions are those who have plenty of "roleplay" involving making a nuisance of themselves and hiding behind the excuse of "roleplay". Finally there is the special class of roleplayer who purposely makes the worst possible character and gets folks killed (i.e. "i'm allergic to NCU" nitwits in AO and similar but more wordy style special folks here).

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:05 pm
by raynes
tetra wrote:Because folks who "roleplay" tend to use "roleplay" as an [strike]reason[/strike]excuse to be rude or be a jerk. Folks who "roleplay" tend to often not be able to set it aside and just play the game without causing problems when the time comes to behave. Folks who "roleplay" tend to be big on words, and little on action... the only exceptions are those who have plenty of "roleplay" involving making a nuisance of themselves and hiding behind the excuse of "roleplay". Finally there is the special class of roleplayer who purposely makes the worst possible character and gets folks killed (i.e. "i'm allergic to NCU" nitwits in AO and similar but more wordy style special folks here).
Your answer is a joke. You spent and entire paragraph saying that people don't roleplay becuase everyone isn't nice and wonderful. The funniest thing you put is "Folks who "roleplay" tend to often not be able to set it aside and just play the game without causing problems when the time comes to behave."

Why is this funny? Because you are basically saying that if a person rp's a bad guy, there are times when they should stop their rp and be nice.

I'm sorry but the people playing the bad guys are just as important to RP as people playing the good guys.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:21 pm
by tetra
raynes wrote:Your answer is a joke. You spent and entire paragraph saying that people don't roleplay becuase everyone isn't nice and wonderful. The funniest thing you put is "Folks who "roleplay" tend to often not be able to set it aside and just play the game without causing problems when the time comes to behave."

Why is this funny? Because you are basically saying that if a person rp's a bad guy, there are times when they should stop their rp and be nice.

I'm sorry but the people playing the bad guys are just as important to RP as people playing the good guys.
Well if said "bad guy" was actually roleplaying, rather than using it as an excuse to be a jerk, then they wouldn't have been in a situation where that roleplaying became an issue. You also gleefully ignore the fact that there are quite a number of folks who don't want squat to do with your little feud, and those wonderful "roleplayers" often have no problems with doing things to bother folks. The vast majority of the server could give a rats ass what you think of kami or karavan, but they most certainly will be pissed when you actively go out of your way to break up a group you were part of or get folks killed because someone is karavan/kami and just now decided to say "screw the other folks I'm out with, I want to be a dick". I mean, it's not like there was a recent post somewhere where a person in a group was not rezzed cause of "roleplaying"... oh wait..

How many times in how many MMO's have "roleplayers" gone and wiped out a bunch of lower level players just because they could, and called it "roleplaying". How many times have "roleplayers" gone out of their way to make a nuisance of themselves?

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:15 pm
by jfoxp
tetra wrote: How many times in how many MMO's have "roleplayers" gone and wiped out a bunch of lower level players just because they could, and called it "roleplaying". How many times have "roleplayers" gone out of their way to make a nuisance of themselves?
That's not roleplaying, that's using the idea as an excuse.

While I agree that's a bad thing, I disagree with your generalization and damning of all roleplay, and roleplayers because of the actions of specific others.

So, I'm a bad person because I roleplay? All roleplayers use it as an excuse to grief? Sorry, I really hate generalizations, and your last two messages sure sounded like you are against all roleplay because of those bad experiences you had.

So, by this same token, I should hate all French people if I go to France and some waiter is a jerk to me?

Attack the problem people, not some label.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:17 pm
by jfoxp
raynes wrote:Your answer is a joke. You spent and entire paragraph saying that people don't roleplay becuase everyone isn't nice and wonderful. The funniest thing you put is "Folks who "roleplay" tend to often not be able to set it aside and just play the game without causing problems when the time comes to behave."

Why is this funny? Because you are basically saying that if a person rp's a bad guy, there are times when they should stop their rp and be nice.

I'm sorry but the people playing the bad guys are just as important to RP as people playing the good guys.
Please keep it civil rayne. You only prove him right in his mind when you react like this.

I, myself, have no way to judge you beyond your participation in the forums here, and thus, will not judge you. I am not saying he is right, but I am asking you to chill.

Re: Roleplay and Why You "Hate" it

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:29 pm
by grimjim
In a conventional roleplaying game the group plays towards a common goal and intra-player conflict is usually minimal and little more than an argument over how to divide the spoils of victory.

To take the stereotypical example a D&D party of adventurers in the most basic and unimaginative setup has the goal of acquiring wealth and power by raiding dungeons which they do by working together as a team combining their abilities to overcome traps, monsters, puzzles etc.

That is the most primitive root form of the roleplaying experience.

PvP sets people against one another and that inevitably leads to conflict, not just in the game but between the once-removed personalities of the people behind it. Everyone has feelings, everyone wants to be the hero but now they can find themselves being 'punked' outmaneuvered and beaten down and that brings a negative slant to a lot of their experience. They're the hero in their own personal story in their head when they play, but to others they're just another 'orc'.

I have previous experience in a massive, worldwide live-action roleplaying society with a heavy emphasis on politicking, backstabbing and, in effect, PvP and that contributed to a horrible, horrible Out of Character atmosphere to the whole society, gossip, nastiness and cheating, favour trading and lord knows what else.

Player rivalry and nasty behaviour is made worse by PvP content and that also provides scope for people to play 'evil' characters which CAN come off as simply annoying.

Short of eliminating homin/homin conflict, and that seems to be a fairly hefty string to this game's bow, there isn't any real solution to this other than to encourage a little responsibility.

It IS an mmoRPG - a roleplaying game, you WILL get more from it if you immerse yourself in the world, read the background, take on a role and enjoy yourself. You won't if you get too caught up in it and take it TOO seriously.

The RP 'haterz' need to recognise that these games will attract people who like to roleplay, especially Ryzom with its open ended structure and, generally, great community. If you don't like RP and someone is RPing at you, politely let them know you don't really go for that.

Equally, people who do roleplay, please listen to me. You HAVE to compromise the way you act for the betterment of the game overall. Sometimes acting purely how your character would act is not what is best for you, them or the game. Reign it in a little sometimes to keep things flowing smooth, find another way to do things, take your revenge or whatever and be CLEAR that you're roleplaying. We could really do with some sort of flag or title that proclaims 'roleplayer' so we can identify each other :)

Finally, PvPers. This isn't a first person shooter, we're not playing anonymous ciphers given personality only by our choice of weapon and we're not playing the game for an hour's intensive stress relief. Characters have histories, personalities and friends. Be a little respectful of that.

Short recap then, all sides need to be nice to each other and consider what they're doing more.