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A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:36 pm
by ilthor
Ok, this was supposed to have stopped, but it didn't!

What am I talking about? DCP's (Divine Council of Pyr) atrocious behaviour on Thesos...

Here is the story as I know it, for all of you to hear and draw your conclusions...

Last week, dcp's leader Catfud started bringing mobs to players who were hunting near thesos. Reason for this: he claimed Thesos was dcp territory... He also added he would not rezz members of our guild, but that is his choice of course. At that day a lot of bad talk started, and tired of being helpless about it a friend striked back, with some preety good results I might add, so dcp called an envoy, after THEY begun the stupid nonsense. So it was my friend who was "seen" as guilty by the GMs... real brave i think, go dcp.

After that, and some talk between leaders, it was agreed this behaviour would stop... but it seems today some dcp members didnt think they had enough so started the foul talk again (love them more by the minute, yes). Well my friend was the target again, so he striked back with the same weapons dpc's leader started this whole incident.

Brave dcp members again called an envoy, so now my friend is thinking of leaving the game (i can just imagine them saying AWWW... but well, the other words they know i wont write here or i might have some actions taken against me by forum staff). Good going dcp...

Btw, u just gained one more person that despises here too... keep it up the whole of atys might begin to your friend, friends that carry a knife just in case they get a chance to stab you in the back.


P.S.- RAAAWWWR THESOS IS MINE!!! but why am i such a looser?????????

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:45 pm
by thewarcc
Woa that's really lame..

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:47 pm
by sprite
ilthor wrote:Here is the story as I know it, for all of you to hear and draw your conclusions...
Were you present for any of the things you describe? If not, then shut up and stop rumour mongering. Not one thread that I have seen on this forum that was started by someone who was "only saying what his friend told him" has ended the same way it started; they all turn out to be untrue and degenerate into flame wars.
If you were present, then I apologise, but my point about threads like this still stands, and I have to make sure. This subject has already been raised in the privacy of the Grand Alliance forums, and was denied by Catfud with a very believable explanation; he wanted to let it all go away because he couldn't be bothered trying to prove to GMs that he was harvesting all day at the time of the "incidents". I don't know if these are the same incidents, but if they are then I see no point of you digging it all back up again, especially if you were not personally involved.

Once again I apologise if you were personally involved in these things, and I would like to add that this post is purely stating my views on these "complaining for a friend" posts, not about this incident in particular.

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:53 pm
by dazman76
Very diplomatically put Spriteh :)

I say, let's have a quick explanation post from Catfud, if he wouldn't mind? The matter has been brought up now, so we may as well get it sorted quickly and lay those minds to rest :)

PS - Thesos belongs to nobody :rolleyes:

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:57 pm
by threbus
dazman76 wrote:PS - Thesos belongs to nobody :rolleyes:
Thesos belongs to the homins so keep the kittin out ;)

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:59 pm
by dazman76
Oops good point Threbus :D ^^^ what he said...

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:20 pm
by catfud
Well just to clear this all up nicely for you. I had a small team searching for the new ticket machine in Thesos, when Ronaldo sent me a tell saying he needed a rez. So I went to go rez him, after healing him up all his agro came stright back chomped him down then came running after me. I said to the rest of my team on comms that i would probanly need a rez in a sec. To which they replied "we are all dead your the only one left up" So in the heat of the moment I ran straight to the water. Some one was unhappy with me because i did not shout INC but im sorry but with a whole team dead and Varinx chewing down on my arse my brain just said "Run!" and I DID NOT say I wouldnt rez people I said I WOULD have rezed anyone in the area who died. We got into to a debate and I said "This is the ways of Thesos" (which was percieved as "We own/rule Thesos) I simply ment if you harvest near varinx and ocyx spawns you shouldnt be suprised to see them. It evens happens at Pyr with the Dune Stalkers its simply part of the game.

Well you have heard my side take what you want and leave what you will.

Happy Gaming.

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:22 pm
by ilthor

i was there one time and it didnt even was catfud... and someone i TRUST is enough for me. Anyway, dcp have acted like bullies all round, so why shoul i doubt? If u do some asking around you'll see what i mean.

Btw spriteh? Is this all part of a bigger scheme? > just getting you on.

I've seen this before, never understood it though...


Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:28 pm
by catfud
Just one more note the person I had the debate with seemed to have poor english (this could be slopy typing I know mine can be awful soemtimes), I think they misinterpreted the things I was saying during our debate. And with gossip being gossip this has spiraled into something it never was.

Re: A good way to loose a friend :(

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:41 pm
by ilthor
catfud wrote:the person I had the debate with seemed to have poor english (this could be slopy typing I know mine can be awful soemtimes), I think they misinterpreted the things I was saying during our debate.
I thought that too, until today... matter of fact we all did, even the person at that incident. But now i just feel its too much, too many unexplained situations and permanent arrogance.
