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Post Invasion Information

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:39 pm
by zumwalt
Would it be possible to see some scores?

Top 10 Package Donators for each category.
Top 100 Kitin / Kipee killers.
Top 10 harvestor donators.
Top 10 Crafters for each category.

On down the line?

This would be some cool information.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:20 pm
by brackish
Or maybe even to hear what the actual boss dropped? Anyone have any clue what was recieved from the quartering?

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:33 pm
by drcole22
on the English server, it was a load of claws for trading in and lots of supreme materials for crafting with. I think pretty much full stats.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:05 pm
by zumwalt
I know Basic was one of the looters, he got the Tryker boss.
To bad the mats were not split amongst the people involved in the battle for any of the bosses, this was one of the complaints about raids.

Targeting was a pain, since everything but your group was an enemy.
Loot, well, 4 lucky winners out of 100 or so participants in the final kill, yea a list of what was dropped and numbers would be great, just as an fyi to everyone involved.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:12 pm
by amcyr
zumwalt wrote:I know Basic was one of the looters, he got the Tryker boss.
To bad the mats were not split amongst the people involved in the battle for any of the bosses, this was one of the complaints about raids.

Targeting was a pain, since everything but your group was an enemy.
Loot, well, 4 lucky winners out of 100 or so participants in the final kill, yea a list of what was dropped and numbers would be great, just as an fyi to everyone involved.
Maybe 4; certainly not based on luck. it's possible Basic got all of it. O_o
I tried to quarter the Matis boss (I was quick to click ;) ), but I guess my team didn't do the most damage, because I got the "You do not have the right to quarter" message. The team with the hardest hitters will always get the loot in a protracted battle, as well as the 3K xp, so it's likely the same person/people always got the loot. The rest of us get zip. :(

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:16 pm
by zumwalt
There raid engine does need alot of work, the player base seems pretty rock solid on working with the system as it is, all except the 'sharing' of the 'bounty'. ;)

Yea the only reason why I know he got it, is because I tried to quarter and got the '...being quartered by Basic' type of message, took a screen shot for fun.

Unfortunately, not even the storyline is reflecting our win, the storyline is reflecting another servers stalemate, there needs to be 4 different storylines, one for each server, that reflects how each server is doing.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:56 pm
by vinnyq
It'll be come part of the Lore, no doubt.

Ha ha!

I wish they have left the crafter town and guard towers around.

But all in all, I thought it was a very cool event. It is very close to what I expect when Ryzom first lured me with its enticing story lines and promise of massive battles.

There were a lot of things wrong, but the end result was major fun (if you let yourself have a go at it). The devs/gms/event planners certainly deserve a 'gj!' and hopefully can make future event like this much better.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:17 pm
by zumwalt
I think they should have left all 3 camps going, including the guard towers, and allowed us to continue to build the armies.

I mean, we will have to eventauly fight the Kitin again right?
We already did all that work, why not let us keep it?

And the outposts, keep them going as a part of the ongoing story, they were built, armies were made, I think that would have been grand.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:26 pm
by raynes
zumwalt wrote: Unfortunately, not even the storyline is reflecting our win, the storyline is reflecting another servers stalemate, there needs to be 4 different storylines, one for each server, that reflects how each server is doing.
Not true at all. If you go look at the page where the story is, there is a place near the top to pick which server you want to view. If you pick the NA one, it tells how we won.

Re: Post Invasion Information

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 6:43 pm
by 9e32bcd
I too wish there was some result for our effort making equipment packages but seeing as there isn't I want to let ever lazy do-nothing matis royal solider running around with my vest on know that I am coming for you. Thats right I know your name and I am tracking all of the traitors down. Though you might be safe wherever you are now (Teleported back to the kitin home city no doubt). Rest assured the next time your kind call upon me to craft anything the call will go unanswered (and seeing as you gave away your location Ill pounce on you).

You apathetic guards had better run also. Seems each and everyone of you guards decided to cower in your apparently none functional and temporary camps. While you left the only action of significance to us to handle alone. Probably all the better anyways as we prefer to run rather than walk.

No need warning the war master of matis click torture I heard he was roosted on an open spicket on one of the eternally burning campfires in yrkanis.

. . .

Killing Kipuryk was fun!

Don't understand why the camps were there though. Having something like a top ten list like zumwalt suggested would at least acknowledge that something besides killing kipuryk went on.

(Probably stealing this idea just can't remember who to give credit to :D ) How about a title clickmaster for the one getting the most prime tokens.