not reactivating my accnt and why
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:08 am
Forst off, this is not a flame thread. All mods who were thinking about deleting this thread, don't. I figure this game needs a few more things, as well as a few things that shouldnt be there.
1. MMORPGs (and any RPGs for that matter) are all about SPECIALIZATION. In plenty other MMO's you will see that as characters get higher lvl, they get more and more specialized IN ONE AREA ONLY. Setting it up so that anyone can be any level at any time really kills the feeling that you can do some things other people your lvl cant.
Possible Fix: Set it up so that every level you get in your highest level lowers the maximum level you can reach in everything else. If, for example, you have lvl 25 Offensive Magic, your level cap for the basic (Fight, Craft, Harvest) skills will be 20; your level cap for Defensive Magic will go down each level you gain in Offensive. The level cap for anything stops at 20 (for basic), 35 (for specialized level 1), etc. If you reach the cap and then gain a level in something else, your lvl doesnt drop. If someone tries to get by this by levelling them all at the same time, they should have an exp penalty.
2. More items. This game has a very very short supply of items, and the ones that do exist are almost all mats as far as I can tell. Don't be afraid, devs, to put a few "useless" items in the game. It serves as a great way to make money, because you don't need to hoard them like you do mats. Also, there are no "regen" items, like the traditional "Potions" of most other RPGs. What happens if I'm soloing and my Self Heal still has the timer going? I die. And that sucks.
Suggested Fix: throw the aforementioned items into the game.
-very, very customizeable characters.
-lots of character slots.
-superb graphics for an MMO, good job
-excellent animation, every spell and most basic attacks are all different and flowing.
-skill creation. very cool.
-AI is excellent, much more that just "move random direction,attack you,repeat."
-Item creation: every item has the potential to be different.
Overall, the largest problem with this game is it's lack of specialization, and for that reason, I'm not going to reactivate my account. It's a fun game and all, and those of you who don't mind it's quirks, keep playing, I would hate to see it go off the market due to a lack of players. It's just not a $15/month game for me.
1. MMORPGs (and any RPGs for that matter) are all about SPECIALIZATION. In plenty other MMO's you will see that as characters get higher lvl, they get more and more specialized IN ONE AREA ONLY. Setting it up so that anyone can be any level at any time really kills the feeling that you can do some things other people your lvl cant.
Possible Fix: Set it up so that every level you get in your highest level lowers the maximum level you can reach in everything else. If, for example, you have lvl 25 Offensive Magic, your level cap for the basic (Fight, Craft, Harvest) skills will be 20; your level cap for Defensive Magic will go down each level you gain in Offensive. The level cap for anything stops at 20 (for basic), 35 (for specialized level 1), etc. If you reach the cap and then gain a level in something else, your lvl doesnt drop. If someone tries to get by this by levelling them all at the same time, they should have an exp penalty.
2. More items. This game has a very very short supply of items, and the ones that do exist are almost all mats as far as I can tell. Don't be afraid, devs, to put a few "useless" items in the game. It serves as a great way to make money, because you don't need to hoard them like you do mats. Also, there are no "regen" items, like the traditional "Potions" of most other RPGs. What happens if I'm soloing and my Self Heal still has the timer going? I die. And that sucks.
Suggested Fix: throw the aforementioned items into the game.
-very, very customizeable characters.
-lots of character slots.
-superb graphics for an MMO, good job
-excellent animation, every spell and most basic attacks are all different and flowing.
-skill creation. very cool.
-AI is excellent, much more that just "move random direction,attack you,repeat."
-Item creation: every item has the potential to be different.
Overall, the largest problem with this game is it's lack of specialization, and for that reason, I'm not going to reactivate my account. It's a fun game and all, and those of you who don't mind it's quirks, keep playing, I would hate to see it go off the market due to a lack of players. It's just not a $15/month game for me.