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ERROR 53? Look Here Please!!

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 11:31 pm
by Satchi
If you are having difficulty accessing the game and you are seeing an Error #53...

Please contact billing support asap, so they can get this resolved for you.

Email addresses for billing support follow. (na=North American, ee= European English, fr=French, de=German)

We are sorry you are experiencing trouble with this.

Please mail the billing guys. They are the people who can help you.


Re: ERROR 53? Look Here Please!!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:23 pm
by lawrence
FYI - You are now able to reactivate previously cancelled accounts by using the new resubscribe option.

This should solve most of the issues causing Error 53.

Re: ERROR 53? Look Here Please!!

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:44 am
by tayster
Friend of mine is getting the error 53 with the new buddy code thing. He sent an e-mail, but I just thought others should be aware of this.