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Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:39 pm
by zumwalt
There is a 'buffer' zone around every pvp area, this zone is non pvp, once you enter a pvp zone you have a 30 second delay before you can choose an option, once chosen you remain in that option until you leave the pvp zone (zone as in area), if you enter another buffer area, you still are pvp for 30 more seconds, and you get warnings about it, then at the end of the 30 seconds you can rechoose to enter the pvp, and again, choose sides or neutral.
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:43 pm
by xcomvic
i think it's BS... it should be based on FAME (guild fame if you are in one) or races...
can a Matis pick Kami side one time then Karavan another zone?
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:51 pm
by zumwalt
Here is how it played out for me.
Matis Lands, moved into Fleeting Garden, got a PvP zone warning south of the Fleeting Garden border line near the V intersection.
30 seconds later, I got the prompt, Neutral, Kami, Karavan.
Moving around near the destroyed outpost, I went in and out of the PvP zone area, warnings when I entered, warnings when I left.
30 second delay on both choosing and 30 seconds delay when leaving.
Yes, it allows you to switch sides when you are not in the pvp area once you have let the 30 second time elapse then re-enter, and wait for the next 30 seconds to lapse.
Fastest time to switch sides is 1 minute (1 minute and a few seconds depending on how good you are)
The buffer area I am talking about exists around the edge of every pvp designated zone (remember, zone is not like fleeting gardens, majestic gardens, etc, zone is just an area of pvp combat designation)
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:52 pm
by xcomvic
i dont know, i have to try this... really wish EVERYONE had access to ATS... we are only paying for this game... well some of us...
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:45 pm
by varelse
xcomvic wrote:i dont know, i have to try this... really wish EVERYONE had access to ATS... we are only paying for this game... well some of us...
Have you applied for access yet?
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:04 am
by xcomvic
yup...when it first came out...
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:30 pm
by varelse
I'm requesting a separate NA forum section dedicated to PvP issues, discussion, and questions. PvP will officially be part of the game starting tomorrow, and I think it's going to need it's own discussion forum for each server.
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 5:37 am
by zzeii
zumwalt wrote:You totally missed the point XComvic, you can choose to participate or not, by selecting Neutral.
Unless I totally missed something in the PvP system.
If you pick neutral you can be attacked by either kami or karavan, unless they changed it since the last time i screwed around with it on ATS, and can only retaliate if attacked (aka you can't initiate, but you can sure as well defend yourself).
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:15 am
by tetra
zzeii wrote:If you pick neutral you can be attacked by either kami or karavan, unless they changed it since the last time i screwed around with it on ATS, and can only retaliate if attacked (aka you can't initiate, but you can sure as well defend yourself).
i.e. all risk, penalty, and downsides are for the victim, there are no downsides for the killer...
I'm still waiting to see one of the supposed die hard PvP supporters who have previously yelled loudly about how it's important to have PvP because it implements concequences to your actions and what not, break formation and say that there needs to be concequences for the attacker instead of all concequences being that of the victim. Seems all those words from them about concequences are just meaningless letters on the screen... can't wait to see someone puff out their chest about concequences, strawman roleplay excuses, and other such nonsense like always seems to happen in every mmo that
stupidly implements unrestricted free for all no concequences for anyone but the victim PvP.
I'm especially supprised at xcomvic's silence... Especially given his past moderator invoked post editing/deleting, carebear insults, calls for 100% unrestricted corpse loot PvP, etc, etc, etc... and sudden change to "guild vrs guild and outpost control reasoning is good,
but skirt completely around any topic that involves punishing griefers and random pkr's by posting how guild vrs guild pvp is good" post style... Do you not support penalties for randomly pk'ing people? You seem to be so in favor of penalties for being killed by someone... and penalties for being in the wrong place without the right equipment/levels/group to support you... but you seem to flee in terror from the subject of punishing griefing and rpk of folks that simply do not want to be involved in pvp and simply want to dig in the dirt... Rather sad really.
Re: pvp ideas, issues, concerns, questions (Merged Thread)
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:28 am
by xcomvic
I break my silence now, since he wants to point me out... I LOVE PvP! But I think there should be consequences for RPKers... DROP FAME LEVELs so LOW that your own race will kill you in cities (after a few kills obviously)... but then again, if you really hate someone and they insult you a lot in game... it would suck not to beat the snot out of him for his bad manners... maybe have a JAIL system, where if you kill someone and he reports it to the guards in the city or maybe some kind of technology see it was an Unwaranted kill (without consent) then you would go to jail in a city and not able to do anything for some REAL LIFE HOURS (3-4 hours should be enough of a cooldown), after awhile of getting killed on site or going to jail, RPKers will either A) left the game or b) changed their ways... of course, my ideas are a little bit hard to implement for various reasons, but I figured I would just humor Tetra a little.