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Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:39 am
by tonus
vguerin wrote: I dont want an easy game, but it MUST be playable and enjoyable... this is neither on ATS.
100% agree. Should the game be as easy as it was before? No. But by no means should it be as hard (and not enjoyable) as it is on ATS.

Being a heavy armor crafter, I can tell you that even with 3-4 people supplying me at regular intervals, I don't powerlevel my crafting in any way, shape or form. Any high-level crafter will verify this, it takes thousands and thousands of mats to to level your crafting. If we're pulling significantly less mats than before (even if they're of the exact quality needed to grind our crafting on, and not any higher), not only will we not be able to gain any levels in crafting, but no guild-members or buyers will have any equipment to level their combat/magic on.

As it is right now (and most of this is due to blind being too powerful) most people either fight in light armor or completely naked. Don't forget that this light armor degrades at a extremely high rate. If heavy armor becomes a major priority after this patch, not very many people will be able to wear it due to the lack of supplies that the crafters will have.

I'm really not one to complain about game mechanics like this, but I've had more fun in SoR than in any MMO for a *long* time (and believe me, I've tried quite a lot of them). Wouldn't want to see such a good start to a game being completely u-turned into the wrong direction that it seems to be going in. I've never cancelled my account because of anything like this, and I am actually seriously considering doing so now.

None of this is new, it has all been said before. Just wanted to add another voice to the cry. Developers: Please look at ATS as well as these forums, you have to understand what this will do to the game.

If nothing else, please give us the direction you'd like the game to move in. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that there is a lack of focus to the game in general. This doesn't mean content, I'd rather have an enjoyable leveling treadmill (like it is right now, even after the harvest spec changes). What goals are you trying to accomplish with this patch?

Heavy Armorer of Melinoe.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:41 am
by tleilaxu
kandyfox wrote:I'm not going to whine or gripe - I only have this to say. This patch is not in favor of the playerbase. By now, people have learned they can actively abandon a game if they do not like it (It's these things called "competition" and "variety"). I don't believe the harvesting adjustments would be at all in Nevrax's interest.
This patch won't deter powerplayers - it'll encourage the few that remain. I hate to make a passive aggressive threat, but it's all I have to offer on the subject.
Hears to hoping that Nevrax wakes up quickly, when a thread is so active with so many good ideas about a problem that everyone agrees on, something needs to be addressed ASAP.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 4:46 am
by lyrah68
I do not think that foragers should be forced to group to control their nodes. ANY good geologist would KNOW how to not die during a dig.

All I can say is PLEASE do not nerf this class.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:42 am
by vaquero1
Help the Diggers they r the backbone of our world if they hat the game we all lose the game......................

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:47 am
by ariaki
Harvesters should not be forced to group and neither should the hunters but they are making it that way for anyone over 150 in 2 days :(

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:52 am
by blade999
I ahvent been on the ATS but i think they changed it so it is easier to supply crafters with mats which i completly agree on.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:57 am
by alugilac
blade999 wrote:I ahvent been on the ATS but i think they changed it so it is easier to supply crafters with mats which i completly agree on.

Can i ask a question... If you have not been on ATS how in the world do you have any idea what your even talking about?

You have absolutly no clue....

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:05 am
by shrike
Well, about as much as all people with no access to the ATS who read the first post and then start moaning....

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:07 am
by kisedd
I dont' understand why they increased the focus and lowered the quantity of mats. Focus does increase downtime, but if having your player base all sitting down resting all the time is the grand idea, then this game took a major U turn. Games need to be fun, while there should be some downtime, you shoudn't have so much its not fun. I felt the pace for harvesting and downtime under the current system was pretty good.

Not all the changes to harvesting are bad. There are some nice ideas in there. Quantity of mats should not be reduced however. The demand for goods can't be met now. I do think some mats will be available to the general public, but what many don't understand is that Minataur is a HARDCORE guild. They don't share mats with anyone. Their entire gulid is made to furnish as many mats as they can to their crafters. They are about as efficient at gathering mats as it can get. If these people are upset, and many of the leaders can test on ATS, there is a problem.

A lot of people sell penny antie stuff on the merchants now. That will help furnish the more casual crafters and gamers at lower levels, but when you need 50k mats to level up a single line at 150, its not going to get much better after that patch.

I've had problems with the monster damage. I have no problem with making things over level 100 much harder so there is some decent fights for those at higher levels. However, going from one extreme to another is not good. The fact that we aren't getting any discussion with the developers and no communication is what is driving this frenzy. This patch is going to go live on Wednesday, and the player base has major issues with it.

Re: Impressions of Chapter 1 from ATS: of special interest to those who forage.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:26 am
by shrike
Concerned about the mob damage as well. We'll have too see how that works out.

I think you are making an error to think that if even the profs complain that it must be even worse for other players. I rather assume it's quite the other way around.
Think about it. Minataur is a HARDCORE guild, that is right. They use the most effecient way to harvest. But exactly this way is now getting changed - of cource they complain heavily. They are the ones which are hit the hardest. A causal harvester who hasn't even heared about a way to avoid gas clouds or to get the right sourcemod quickly won't care at all about these changes.

It is right, of cource, that you need a ridiculous amounts of mats to lvl crafters, especially armor & jewelcrafter, post lvl 100. And that the degrade rates are insane then, too.
But could someone please tell me why the solution for this would be to boost foraging? Two wrongs do not make a right - what is needed to solve these problems at the root, meaning to finally change the broken runaway degradation mechanics to something else and to review if the tree splitting for jewels and armors really is a smart thing.