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Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:54 am
by grimjim
dbritt wrote:And Grim, you miss the point, I was pointing out the aggression factor, it was not a matter of where or what, it was a matter of WHO. That is what I was correcting of yours, because in the context you said it, you clearly meant number of attacks. If you didnt, then you should clarify that.
The Tryker specifically have a nationalistic outlook reflected in their racial values. It could also be very convincingly argued that the 'Karavan' expansionist policy is actually a _Matis_ expansionist policy.

While guilds can be made up of homin of various racial types they are most often declared for a faction or land, whatever their appearance.

You miss the point on the aggression factor, the others stick to their own, factional land. The 'Karavan' Alliance is the one showing imperial ambitions while these others are trying to claim their territory back. That isn't an aggressive act, that's called 'liberation'.

Oh, and if the situation were (or ever is) reversed, I'd fully expect to end up fighting on the 'Karavan' side more than the Kami one.

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:56 am
by raven41
The same amount of people who choose who is true Karavan and who is not.

[edit]dbritt... What is your guilds Civi alignment?

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:27 am
by kiwi2
ffxjosh wrote:Tho up untill that point ur words were harsh, but well represented (wether or not i disagree is not in questions) ... I genuinely do not understand what u ment by the bit ive quoted..

Your a reaper. not from Mel. so surely its not "your" decision regardless?

Or are you speaking on behalf of the KA?


I agree with you, Tyilin. It is very, very difficult to find a time good for both UK and US players. I was just pointing out to Sheena, who seems to think that it is only the karavan creating the time zone issues in OP battles, that kami do attack at bad times for karavan. Could the kami try to find a better time for US players? Yes. Could the karavan try to find a better time for the UK players? Yes. Is this war? Yes! Is war ment to be fair? Nope. Time zones just make battles more interesting, and difficult for both sides. Not much we can do about it. Each side wants to win the battle, and they will do whatever it takes.

I am just adding wood to the fire now. This will be my last post on this thread.

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:55 am
by gillest
dbritt wrote:Who has the right to say a guild containing multiple races doesnt have a right to own a outpost wherever?
Once again something that most ppl tend to forget: OP were designed as GvG.. EP2 and the FvF war it brought in the game made it differently..
Players and guilds kept on asking for help from their factions and changed the outcome of the OP..
kyesmith wrote: Oh thats nice to know, all the karavan guilds are going to start handing out cats? yea right, the point is why should people without acess to crystals lvl at half the speed as those who did, i hated the crystal idea from the start, the powerfull get more so and everyone else is left feeling pissed off with yet another poorly thought out idea as "conent"
I can only agree 100 % about that: those cast brought more bad things in this game than good things:
- Create imbalance of lvling: big guilds and high lvl people just can lvl faster when new players or neutrals can only join the most powerful or sell themselves to those in order to have acces to cats..
- Lot of players in the old times did leave because they powergrinded themselves out and were bored: cats just make ppl lvl faster: it is like nevrax wanted to shoot themselves in the feet.. (don't gimme the "other things to do as grinding": we all did grind more or less at one stage...)
- Create jealousy, tensions, conflicts of interest...
- You name the rest...

Now, i will not take position about the good or bad of the attack: would be 5 am for me so can't be there and I will not tell who I would have helped if i was on :)
Tho G knows (help who helped you and that is not politic or religious ground) :)

Now what bother me the most and I hope we will not get there:
I posted a few days ago on Aripostle forums who are just jumping at each others throats lately...
Situation on Aripostle?
- Very high RP stance from most of the players, Religious Warfare (OP battle every days and sometimes 3 to 4 Op battles the same evening....
- karavan do not team with Kami anymore anywhere in the game... do not even ask about resing....
- flame wars on forums , mobs and aggro pulling durning OP or outside of OP battles, war on flaming, pics taking and reporting to Gm's to get ppl from other faction banned... Boss stealing...
- The list carries on :)

I know we are a little more mature than that and this thread kind of shows it (shadowweb post is witnessing it: he s got a lot of moderating to do on Aripostle forums lol) but I think we need to think it over and to keep the atmopshere as it used to be.
Make war if you want but make it IC and when the war is finished, just /Tar /bow and wish each others to have fun (with each others) :)

Concerning the timing, if a OP war would happen on Sundays around 6 or 7 GMT or BST , i think this would be best timing: midnight for ozzies and asian, early evening for europe and around midday for US, make that a Sunday and all are ok :)

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:33 am
by raisrev1
Well....Intresting Thread, sorta... Dragons of Shadow, those of us who can make it. Will turn up for the fight. As to which side we will be on.... Well that depends on who asks us first. And if we have a rought tie well I guess we will be on both. BTW we dont charge like Samsara, however, Payment may sway us all to a side. Make offers to those who you see, and we will discuss and let those of you know. Payment to be made in advance ;)

*on the slightly off - topic part*

A question to all those KA guilds.... What is your take on Neutral Guilds that will fight for either side, but have only ended up fighting on one because thats the only side that has ever asked them for help? Just kinda curious. Thou im not entirely sure, but it would seem to me that Guilds like Nexus, thou they are Kara alligned guilds, might be fighting for their Kami friends for the same reason? Just a thought.

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:35 am
by jawa00
raisrev1 wrote:A question to all those KA guilds.... What is your take on Neutral Guilds that will fight for either side, but have only ended up fighting on one because thats the only side that has ever asked them for help? Just kinda curious. Thou im not entirely sure, but it would seem to me that Guilds like Nexus, thou they are Kara alligned guilds, might be fighting for their Kami friends for the same reason? Just a thought.
i can answer your question. check what thlau had written and the rangers are even a karavan guild. so for your guild being neutral....
thlau wrote: I remember that I was declared a enemy of the Karavan Alliance twice, as I helped a federal guild to free Whirling Stronghold from the months long occupation of a monarchistic matisian guild, that decided to influence foreign federal affairs, by taking issues in their own hands and for the own well being. I had to assume at that time, that the persons who declared me enemy spoke for the whole Alliance.
we defended nexu's fount op when it got attacked by kamis. still we are everything else than an enemy of the kamis. on the other side when a karavan guild does same they are enemies of the KA. it sadden me to see such fanatical and closeminded people even in a game world

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:44 am
by jawa00
Agression towards 'Karavan' (I think in order):
Psyk Knoll -KoO, Aug
Ginti - The Soul, July
Psyk Knoll - KoO, July
Finders Farm - KoO, July

Agression towards 'Kami'
Woodburn Magic Pole - LoA, Sept
Woodburn Magic Pole - AA, July
Gu-Qin - GoJ, June
i've deleted all battles that were tries from kamis to get the OP back when it was taken by the karavans before. don't be naive, if the kami would occupy an OP in matis then you would do everything to get it back into karavan hands too

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:02 am
by jawa00
dbritt wrote:And again we go to the Kami/Karavan, and I thought all this was over racial locations as stated by the creator of this thread and others.
well maybe then you should have done a list "aggressions by fyros/matis/trykers/zorai" :p

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:12 pm
by arfindel
Deeply saddened and offended by your signature, Kiwi.

That's not roleplaying that's only a pathetic manner to hide in aggression the truth:

that you are the first guild ever on Arispotle who attacks the guild that gave them their OP.

Re: FKC, welcome Melinoe !!!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:29 pm
by ffxjosh
Of course the Kami are gunna attack more, they have less and want that changed. the Karavan have more so are more complaicent and content. so they have less dseire to attack (and waste valuble digging time ;) ) for sumthing they dont really NEED
