ambika wrote:Aggro-dragging allowed only then because of no DP. They obviously saw people would either say "oh accident" or too many cases where it would be too difficult to prove who is to blame. Easiest solution would be to remove mobs or just remove dp. In any other case, it's NOT allowed.
For PvP cliffing, it goes both ways. The person getting attacked can attack's almost as if there IS no obstacles (unlses you're melee..move back just out of range...-_-; ). No person is as "dumb" as a mob to run TO the wall (speaking for those melee who wouldn't be able to hit someone on a cliff) knowing they can't deal any damage. Don't approve of this, but it's something one can easily avoid.
PvE cliffing: Not allowed. Not sure where you get this. I've asked myself and they said "no". Doesn't stop people from doing it.
Kill stealing: Not Allowed. People still do it but luckily it's not a huge problem here. Not sure where ya get the idea it's allowed.
Merchant Storage: Allowed and not an exploit. Not sure why this would bother anyone. Doesn't take up any space on the merchant (there's no limit how many items the population as a whole can put on the merchants). People can use filters. At most people will see those mats and wish they could buy it. Not a discomfort to anyone (especially on the level of Kill stealing of aggro dragging). I would see this as a problem if we had the ability to add-on storage to our apartments or buy more packers...
If you can quote rom the CoC or GM saying that the first 4 is allowed and the 5th is an exploit (how can it be when it doesn't give you an advantage over others as far as leveling goes nor does it take the fun from anyone in-game)...go for it.
(I appologize for any spelling or Gramatical errors, im doing this very late at night

Well, I cant say im for or against the whole continuous attack declarations, but i found the page for the agro dragging, at least during OP battles, and in esscence everywhere else if you think about it closely enough will be located at the bottom of the page.
Aggro Dragging. Now i do despise Aggro Dragging, but From an RP and a realistic perspective it is a valid tactic, and from what i have seen it appears that the only place this would be a problem OP wise is the OPs that happen to be next to a boss agro mob (2 blackstars), particuarly the ones in PR (which have not been activated, yet). However they are still a logical (thou a very Dirty tactic), as the before mentioned link stated both sides can do it. Now from a harvesters perspective... Similar thing, its low but its how things would happen realisticly. People competing over "valuble" resources, the Low would use Lowly tactics. While the other may not do so in return, but in the PR, (addmitadly i have not been down there since the OP/Fame patch so im not sure the accuracy of the following statement) its a Guild PvP, and as such, you can "fight" over said resources Or at same time Ally with each other and share the mats. Or as most do, Ignore it and move on to another spot.
Cliffing, now On the one hand I can see the "exploit" here, but still it is a valid tactic that you would still realisticly see. Even with the PvP, you can always move out of range, however I do agree it is very difficult to target the attacker in response, but that was the point. A sniper would pick a spot from which he would not be seen before making his shot, thus not be attacked back. Now taking advantage of "dumb" AI mobs, well it can go both ways, Realisticly most creatures would in actuality try to run away rather than go after the attacker, but then that would invite some major exploitations here, still wouldnt it be logical to put some sort of barrier between you and something big and scary? Besides atm AI can only go so far.
Kill Stealing, now I can go on and on about this one, but I wont. But...I know sometimes its on accident, but there are times its very obvious when someone is already attacking the creature, so leave it alone. Nuff said.
Merchant storage, Hmm hard to say here, while i understand why people do it, I also understand why people are mad about it. Here is what i think those whom do it should do...only put up choice mats or lower there at those prices for storage, that way the rest of us whom might be looking for something good, dont get "disapointed" when they see some Supreme or Excelent mats that are at outrageous prices, Craft those or store them in your apt/Guildhall. Thats my view.