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Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:21 pm
by ajsuk
Sh*tting on the people who helped make the game what it is isn't going to do Nevrax's rep any good.

If they do I think alot of people will make an effort to flame Nevrax at every turn, not only in Ryzom but any future games too. :cool:

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:20 pm
by dakhound
philu wrote:So how come you took sides in EP2 then? You fought for the Kami and you know it. That's taking part in an event. :p
hmmm for roughty 30mins and notched up a whole 690 honour point getting ate by kinchers

does that count as rarely in your book

other events attended -

kami meeting (left b4 it started)
kitin invasion (one where new portal opened)

uhhhm thats it in 1yr of play.

and as for "you went kami" I had a choice?. my untouched fame dealt with that

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:26 pm
by marct
Ok, The Neutral guild questions aside. (Please explain this more.)

Being a Neutral seems like a huge advantage.

Nationality Point of view:

Neutral: can have fame of +50 with every Race.
Naturalized citizen:
+100 Fame with the home Nation
+75 with closest Ally Nation
+25 with dis-favored Nation
+0 with the Eternal enemy

This in the end seems very balanced, I can have +200 total fame either way I choose. The neutral however can access the fame realted items upto 50 of every single nation. Which seems to be a huge advantage over a Citizen whom totally misses out on one nation, and can barely access anyhting from a second.

The benefits form being a citizen should be huge in the 2 Nations that favor you, as the Neutral appears to have access to so much more.

The same thing happens to a greater degree with the Cults.

On another Fame note; I do not think it is good to achieve fame and then remain with that fame even though you do nothing to maintain that. Fame should Decay over time, both in-game, and RL time if you are out of game for some time. Maybe out of game time changes the Rate of decay, but you only decay while you are in-game.

Additionally, more things that you do everyday should influence your fame. Either that or make there be a real reason to do missions. Doing missions is not integrated into the story or the gameplay today, they are static, never change, and have limited point to them.

Basically fame is just a grind, not a result of your actions in the world.


P.S. Can we get some moderation from a dev on these feedback threads, this one way thing is not allowing for creativity really. Maybe a few chat sessions, or at least someone whom can elaborate or answer or participate in our discussions from the dev team.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:40 pm
by noceros
marct wrote: Additionally, more things that you do everyday should influence your fame. Either that or make there be a real reason to do missions. Doing missions is not integrated into the story or the gameplay today, they are static, never change, and have limited point to them.

Basically fame is just a grind, not a result of your actions in the world.
I totally agree with this. It would be interesting if your fame in an area changed, say if lots of people bought your items for sale, or depending on who you attack in a pvp situation. The way I see it, missions don't really mean anything.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:44 pm
by norvic
Agrees with Neva, the game we have been playing isnt quite what was intended sure its been handled a little heavy handedly maybe and some areas still need alot of work to support everyones playstyle but its gettin more dynamic and better imo. Sure I regret people leaving some I have shared alot of time with and am really sorry to see them go they will be missed.


"Four civililisations seek to tame the wild planet of Atys- A world in the crushing grip of mother nature on which Giant insects and myterious factions dwell amidst a bubbling ancestral war. what part will you play in this epic 8 year adventure"

Taken from the box. This is the game I bought into, this is what grabbed my imagination, to those who say the current situation isnt supported by the lore and storyline i say read it again.

If I wanted to play UN, Woodstock, or similar I wouldnt be here in the first place.

These new fame/faction changes define your char more specifically they do not take away your choice so play your part and play it well now the storyline IS finally moving on.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:45 pm
by grimjim
norvic wrote:Taken from the box. This is the game I bought into, this is what grabbed my imagination, to those who say the current situation isnt supported by the lore and storyline i say read it again.
I have.

Read my analysis.

It might be the intention - what is happening - but the prep and groundwork could have been a lot better.

And no game survives contact with the players.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:13 pm
by noceros
I have mixed feelings about the fame changes in general. I do think they make sense with regard to the history and lore. However, I don't like them because they have the potential to take away much of the freedom we've had for so long.

Currently, it seems that I will be able to continue to play as I have been without too much trouble. As long as I keep my Zorai charater stateless, she can still be a member in her Matis-based guild without losing more than the faintly whispered promises of toys that are not likely to appear anytime soon. ;)

On the other hand, if I have to choose between her pride in the heritage of her race and her life with her guildmates and friends, my ultimate decision will likely be to take a long vacation from Atys.

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:26 pm
by gwythion
marct wrote: Being a Neutral seems like a huge advantage.

Nationality Point of view:

Neutral: can have fame of +50 with every Race.
Naturalized citizen:
+100 Fame with the home Nation
+75 with closest Ally Nation
+25 with dis-favored Nation
+0 with the Eternal enemy

This in the end seems very balanced, I can have +200 total fame either way I choose. The neutral however can access the fame realted items upto 50 of every single nation. Which seems to be a huge advantage over a Citizen whom totally misses out on one nation, and can barely access anyhting from a second.

The benefits form being a citizen should be huge in the 2 Nations that favor you, as the Neutral appears to have access to so much more.

The same thing happens to a greater degree with the Cults.
Without knowing what the benefits are it is impossible to just how fair this is. It may be that you only get access to the must have benefits once over 50. The main impact at the moment is trade prices and here I would say that having one 100% is far more useful than any number of locations at 50%.
marct wrote: On another Fame note; I do not think it is good to achieve fame and then remain with that fame even though you do nothing to maintain that. Fame should Decay over time, both in-game, and RL time if you are out of game for some time. Maybe out of game time changes the Rate of decay, but you only decay while you are in-game.
That seems sort of reasonable as there are not as far as I know any great hero missions that would be remembered for generations to come.

marct wrote: Additionally, more things that you do everyday should influence your fame. Either that or make there be a real reason to do missions. Doing missions is not integrated into the story or the gameplay today, they are static, never change, and have limited point to them.

Basically fame is just a grind, not a result of your actions in the world.
Very true but apart from PvP there is nothing in existance in the game so far that I can think of that could be easily extended to do this. Can you give examples of how this could be done?
marct wrote: Noin.

P.S. Can we get some moderation from a dev on these feedback threads, this one way thing is not allowing for creativity really. Maybe a few chat sessions, or at least someone whom can elaborate or answer or participate in our discussions from the dev team.
That would be nice but give them a break, yes there are already lots of messages with questions but this thread has only been up a couple of days. I would guess that the most you could get right now is "we are looking at your messages and talking about them".


Looking back a the initial posting back in July ... ge=1&pp=10 I take back the bit about only having had a couple of days to work on a response they have had these questions before so presumably have the answers to hand.


Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:07 pm
by michielb
And an other great opportunity to communicate with the community gone to waste.

How long before you guys realise that giving only bits and pieces of information and leaving the rest open to speculation is just as damaging, maybe more, as staying silent?

People are asking questions, failing to answer means they will answer them themselves and possibly leave...

Re: [DEV] The Fame System – Second Edition

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:19 pm
by ajsuk
coooorect. :rolleyes: