Wow... it really is a shame. I have tried many other games, and I must say this game "had" something special. Slowly it is dying. First it was the fact that so little was changing, but staying because of the community was worth it, and what was coming was going to be sooo good. Now it seems like another PvP game.
Don't get me wrong. PvP is OK. I like to play it a little, althou I always wanted kyrix to be a neutral healer, but guess what, there is no way of playing a neutral healer.
Even if i am not online so often, I was thinking of keeping my sub to support a local company with a great concept. has this concept changed?
Several ways of fixing this occur to me, and the posibility of creating a world full of complexities that can keep "almost" everybody happy are possible.
I will list some ideas i have got from playing other games and would like to post them soon, but I want to think them over a bit. but some things that could improve non PvP play vastly are:
revamp crafting/economoy. take a look at eq2. a complex crafting system, where u need to make one object to make another to make another.... and no grinding. grinding is very senseless, and is not very "real". work on a complexer economoy (reduce space to force sale (not needed if no grind actually, but create collectibles independent from storage space to allow plp to make collections (could improve fame))
make the faction world a little complexer, allowing not only a neutral faction, but several neutral, kami, karavan flavours. rebels that fight against both superpower factions, that buy technology stolen from the kara/kami, stolen by the neutral thieve faction, or the inventor faction from the tryker schools in avendale. even a kami karavan faction who are not so fanatic and sole purpose is defending from the kitin, and u could even create the kitin lovers who carry out spy work missions for the kitin.
allow not PvP crafters and harvesters to be able to hire guards for escort that only defend (maybe with stun spells or similar) while traveling or harvesting in certain controlled areas, or something similar to provide groups of "peacefull" homins means of defending themselves coherent with game play. if the game is balanced and allow "somehow" for everybody to have some fun it will be a lot better than a game that just has harvesters areas and pvp areas, and an area only for RP. ryzom is one world, manage a way of keeping it together.
create collaboration missions. the temples are a good start, but you could create a list of special items that need to be crafted with "normal" stuff, in different areas, and with different crafters.
create some uniqueness. not only in appearance. unique items, or unique spells. tons of them, some that u find others that u do a mission. maybe some that can only be taught from one homin to another,
change xp sistem. you get xp only by harvesting, crafting and killing. i think many would love to play a healer char that never kills nor takes part in killing, plant homin or kitin. u can lvl harvest and craft and even in some way melee and nuke alone, but not heal or afflictions. how about getting xp from missions, or everytime you heal an npc, plant or injured animal, or everytime u use def aff and escape from an aggro. so many posibilities.
ahh the difficult one. spezialization. if there is nothing else to do in the game, guess its ok to lvl like a tamagochi and be like all the others that are 250 melee 250 nuker 250 healer... but for those who want to have something special, there should be some prize. lets say when u reach 250 nuke you can choose between a tree of actions, nothing to do with lvls, but just very special unique actions, and u must choose a "path knowledge". it doesnt make u "higher" but more special.
well i just threw some ideas on the board, i would like to work on them more and post them some time. anyways, nevrax, i think there are several ways of offering all u want to offer, but it seems that "we cannot do all at a time" is not good enough and maybe its time you get your dev team working on non pvp issues.
take care all, kyrix