Jessica Mulligan wrote:Specific comments/reasons on what you liked or didn't like about the events so far is very helpful to us; we're meeting daily here to discuss the comments we see on all the forums (French, English and German) and also the comments of the event managers, so we can make adjustments where possible.
And, we want to learn as much as possible from you so, going forward, we do events and episodes more to everyone's tastes, as well. It is a learning process, in that sense. No, we're not experiementing on you, just doing what a good business does; listen to the customer and make adjustments.
hmmm ok lets give it another try...
Reasons why I didn't like it
Reason 1: It's all about PvP no way to get anything out of it without PvP. Where's the neutral option?
Reason 2: Little room for advanced strategies. Game mechanics promote nuking everything that moves from a distant. There are no faction channels to organise bigger groups...
Reason 3: I hate putting people on my ignore list but PvP attracts the type of player I don't want to be around.
Reason 4: From my prespective a lot of dev efford has gone into developing content that is of no interest to me and it looks like more of it will "go to waste" perfecting this system...
Reason 5: I'm forced to "take it, or leave it"
Suggestion 1: The neutral option. Give neutrals something. For instance: have them build a peace monument. "rules of engagement" would be similar to what currently in ep2 only without the PvP...
Suggestion 2: Mounted combat to add more of a challenge to the PvP battle. Two types of mounted fighters, ranged fighters with either rifle or pistol and lancers.
The lancers can charge melee and nukers at speed doing massive damage both with their lance and by using their mount (armoured mektoub or maybe even a gnoof?) as a weapon. most effective against the lancers would be a 2 handed pikesman as he alone has the ranged to atack and stay out ofreach of the lancer.
Lanchers would force groups to use melee as a team of nukers is easily over run by them...
The mounted rangers could quickly move around and attack nukers in the back protected by a line of melee fighters. Mounts used by rangers would be faster then those used by lancers as they would not be armoured (mount armour new craft tree...)
Sugestion 3: Make launchers and auto-launchers usable as they will make the battlefield look more diverse and provide an other heavy damgage option besides nuking.
Suggestion 4: Reconcider the "balancing" changes made to magic as currently they look more like a dirty ole nerf. The stamina and Sap heals are way to powerful now and the more effective(?) AoE heals and deminised double spell do not promote smart healing. One healer should be able to keep a team of more or less equal lvl up with the use of a single bckup healer to keep him/her "sapped up". It makes no sense to have more than two healers in a team as you will want the largest number of combatants in a team (yur not playing "field hospital" or MASH here...)
Suggestion 5: "Shiny things"
Role play items like, clothing (new craft tree?), foods and drinks (new craft tree?), sitting on chairs, sleeping, bring back the /whisper, more and longer dance emotes with matching aminations, agriculture as a means to obtain craft mats, campfires to keep (most) aggro mobs away from a small area (all but kitin and the very very hungry preds), torches to light you on your way and to deter aggro while on the move (though must less effective as a campfire), fireworks (new craft tree?), the ability to give other people access to your appartment, the abbility to decorate you appartment, the abbility to buy a bigger more luxurious appartment. The ability to share an appartment (marriage anyone?)
Suggestion 6: Outposts that don't involve PvP (trade posts, diplomatic outpost, farms)