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Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:55 am
by grimjim
ajsuk wrote:lolage, getting popular isn't he.
I'm running out of novel metaphores to try and get the point through to people. You can only express the same point so many ways after all and so long as someone is mentally going 'La la la, I can't hear you' its hard to make yourself heard.
The advantage of forum posts is that they stay there, perhaps to be re-read and understood at a later date.
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:59 am
by ajsuk
So maybe give up trying and wait for us to come crawling back at a later date then?

Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:00 am
by grimjim
ajsuk wrote:So maybe give up trying and wait for us to come crawling back at a later date then?
Answer the one thing then.
What's so hard about limiting your PvP to others who actually want to participate in it? Why must it include whaling on others?
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:03 am
by kwhopper
Or stop writing ridiculously long, sarcastic, overly exaggerated and uninteresting quote fests that only repeat the last ridiculously long, sarcastic, overly exaggerated and uninteresting quote fest you post just a page earlier. If you like them because they once and hush. I'm sure we all find what you have to say interesting enough to go back a few pages and take a peek.
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:05 am
by grimjim
kwhopper wrote:Or stop writing ridiculously long, sarcastic, overly exaggerated and uninteresting quote fests that only repeat the last ridiculously long, sarcastic, overly exaggerated and uninteresting quote fest you post just a page earlier. If you like them because they once and hush. I'm sure we all find what you have to say interesting enough to go back a few pages and take a peek.
That's rather shallow viewing, there was a dialogue in most of them or answering new points or attacking a new angle of explanation, but it seems those who like to kill are a bit too entrenched to see the other PoV.
I can appreciate some of the appeal of PvP but not the enjoyment in maliciously screwing up other people's fun or chestbeating.
And please, answer the previous question.
If Infinity have truly changed their ways I'll be happy to see it, but I'll believe it when I see it, especially in light of some of the other posts on here.
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:09 am
by ajsuk
meh, I'm not even going to bother.. we'll just go around in circles like you and others have already..
Not everyone can agree with each other.
We've discussed it enough.. repeated ourselves endlessly..
Aslong as everyone's expressed their views & concerns, what else is there to do..?
Now it's down to Nevrax.
How about just giving it a rest.
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:35 am
by troll16
ajsuk wrote:meh, I'm not even going to bother.. we'll just go around in circles like you and others have already..
Not everyone can agree with each other.
We've discussed it enough.. repeated ourselves endlessly..
Aslong as everyone's expressed their views & concerns, what else is there to do..?
Now it's down to Nevrax.
How about just giving it a rest.
Have a constructive discussion as to how PvP can be implemented to best suit both sides of the argument. And if the answer from the anti PvP lobby is it can't be then there's no point even discussing that.
I'm pro PvP, PvE and RP but for this game as most of you already know I think PvE and RP suit it best.
PvP will be ingame, so it would benefit everyone if the discussion switched from a Pro/anti PvP argument to something more constructive such as how can PvP be implemented in Ryzom so as to have a minimal impact on the PvE and RP players here (I don't mean PvP RP players).
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:42 am
by thebax
kwhopper wrote:
Baxter, comparing Spiff to Hitler is downright insulting. Shame on you.
You are, of course, correct. Comparing Spiff to a short, over-bearing sociopath who desires to kill a group of people not because of what they have done, but who they are, was wildly innaccurate, and I appologize.
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:50 am
by ajsuk
troll16 wrote:Have a constructive discussion as to how PvP can be implemented to best suit both sides of the argument. And if the answer from the anti PvP lobby is it can't be then there's no point even discussing that.
I'm pro PvP, PvE and RP but for this game as most of you already know I think PvE and RP suit it best.
PvP will be ingame, so it would benefit everyone if the discussion switched from a Pro/anti PvP argument to something more constructive such as how can PvP be implemented in Ryzom so as to have a minimal impact on the PvE and RP players here (I don't mean PvP RP players).
As much as I'd be up for that I fear some people wouldn't be able to restrain themselves.
Those with ideas on how to implement that I'm sure will have already posted somewhere.
Maybe if we could get a Moderator to monitor a thread which can only contain suggestions.
One last time for me though.. - I'm not even that interested in PvP (atm). I just feel people should have the choice and at the moment you make that choice by going in to or staying out of.. a PvP Zone. It's how it is, either politely suggest alternatives in hope their taken up or deal with it.
Re: Regarding Infinity's cessation of PR hostilities
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:50 pm
by vutescu
thebax wrote:You are, of course, correct. Comparing Spiff to a short, over-bearing sociopath who desires to kill a group of people not because of what they have done, but who they are, was wildly innaccurate, and I appologize.
You should apologise Hitler, not Spiff