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Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:50 pm
by grimjim
keoni wrote:If you don't want that to happen, I believe you have to fight for it.[/font][/color]
Well then, you need about four guilds worth of people willing to sit on the problem area, kill the PKers constantly and allow everyone else free access. I don't see anyone who objects giving up all their other enjoyment indefinately to do that.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:54 pm
by lillaryn
grimjim wrote:No, you'll find he asked, basically 'Why can't you just deal with this with RP?'.
That's why.
Because one set of people are acting with OOC motivations and no regard for the world and people in it. They're playing the 'Game' not playing the 'role'.
That was an example of why you can't.

The rest of your reply in the light of that is irrelevent.

Also regarding your comment on screenies etc I also answered that earlier.

So you're saying that you have no proof of this, yet you still post it? Wouldn't that be role-playing a bad or lemme find the word......sneaky shadowed character? From my past experiences with you, I accepted your roleplay to a degree, until it got so annoying that most at the event we were at (recent kitin raid) ported out just so they didn't have to hear your drabble anymore. If you're saying that people like me make it worse, then I must say you're not helping any. In fact, I edit my first comment to you, to stop. EVERYBODY JUST STOP. ME INCLUDED. THE VERBAL GANKING IS JUST AS BAD.

Oh, and btw, Fyrx, you rule, and I wish that the other posters in this thread and these forums were more like you :) There. Positive end to a negative thread. THE END.


Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:12 pm
by omsop
oh Keoni, it happened & you know it did & for anyone else trying to flame me by saying it was justified, i'll tell you this, goto PvP, i'll kill you, you respawn you get NO DP, i see aggro on you then i nuke you & let the aggro finish you off, you respawn you HAVE DP.

I would NEVER do what Keoni did, to do that is low & pathetic, by getting someone else DP is preventing that player from gaining lvl's cause they have DP to work off before they can advance any further.

lol, Keoni, your denial is sad especially when there was so many witness's, you say you werent there? lol, Melinoe was there, Infinity were there, some of OmegaV were there, & @ one time the topic of conversation was YOUR over Priced Jewels on merchants rofl.

& i do believe Thom rez'd us @ one point, cause he even said he was reluctant to rez me cause i tried to kill him. one thing i never do is lie, when i killed you, you would have HAD NO DP, you are a low pathetic excuse for a players, you only feel hard done by when you are the one being killed.

btw, Grimjim, you say it was justified by making it easier for aggro to get the kill on me even after all i was trying to do was STOP keoni & others from getting killed by mobs, i'll remember that next time i see you in PvP.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:14 pm
by omsop

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:32 pm
by grimjim
lillaryn wrote:So you're saying that you have no proof of this, yet you still post it?
No I'm saying that naming names doesn't serve any purpose other than to make people defensive and, often reinforce their behaviour. They know who they are, hopefully a little conscience voice is niggling away.
lillaryn wrote:Wouldn't that be role-playing a bad or lemme find the word......sneaky shadowed character?
No, because we're not role-playing here. We are discussing a problem Out of Character. Contrary to what recent media hysteria, Chick Tracts and other assorted things might have you believe, some people can tell the difference.
lillaryn wrote:From my past experiences with you, I accepted your roleplay to a degree, until it got so annoying that most at the event we were at (recent kitin raid) ported out just so they didn't have to hear your drabble anymore.
The term is drivel, and I've never heard anything against my RP save at the last PvP event I went to were I RPed my frustration and boredom during the last set of gladiator bouts. On reflection, possibly not the best place to do it, but live and learn. Otherwise, nothing but compliments. Strangely I don't see a ton of threads popping up with people expressing problems with RP, odd that.
There's no such thing as verbal ganking, if you don't like it, you can ignore it. Lucky you.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:41 pm
by keoni
omsop wrote:lol, Keoni, your denial is sad especially when there was so many witness's, you say you werent there? lol, Melinoe was there, Infinity were there, some of OmegaV were there, & @ one time the topic of conversation was YOUR over Priced Jewels on merchants rofl
Shrug... I was there during that one confrontation, but nothing like the events you describe actually happened. Once the other guilds showed up, Infinity stopped attacking us, we stopped attacking them, we all dug our slice of the supreme zun pie, some people made absurd assertions that the price a crafter charges for their wares was a rationale for war, the zun ran out, we ported out peacefully.

The end.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:43 pm
by brithlem
Other than the one time we dropped all of ON... over you leaving Pos and I for dead.... when have I touched saranda? There was a mention of 3 occasions? Maybe it was 3 times in one fight yeah... other than that the current roster of Infinity has yet to touch any of you in roots....

We can change that if you want. ... but as it stands we hit you all once.... and left it at that... and if i remember right when we hit you supreme wasn't even up.

On top of hitting saranda 3 times i'm also 47 feet tall... pale... and worship the Karavan .... woah there RP sarcasm!

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:45 pm
by omsop
keoni wrote:Shrug... I was there during that one confrontation, but nothing like the events you describe actually happened. Once the other guilds showed up, Infinity stopped attacking us, we stopped attacking them, we all dug our slice of the supreme zun pie, some people made absurd assertions that the price a crafter charges for their wares was a rationale for war, the zun ran out, we ported out peacefully.

The end.
hmmm then mayb i should report a bug to the Dev's...

the drop in my HP ( more than what the Vorax hit ) & my sys info telling me you hit me for X amount of damage & then on my screen & compass you disappear ( ported out ).

i am not some nOOb that doesnt notice these things, i constantly watch my sys info, it becomes a bit of a habit in PR, mayb you thought i wouldnt notice, but i did say in Team Chat once it happened, if i lose HP i want to know why & i will look for that reason.

lol, Little Miss Innocent

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 1:19 am
by bf649ztp
I don't know what all this talk about Infinity is about, all the gankers and PK'ers seem to be wrapped up in one need and tidy name, Kings of Oblivion! That's where alll the problem people in this game seem to come from.

Re: PR Digger Saved!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:04 am
by themac
had to edit... double post :(