arfindel wrote:I couldn't replay Faa's student years in Pyr or her childhood in WoM anymore for sure. It's not so much about Faa, but about other living people around her. About Moyaku helping her to dig and showing "dangerous" areas, about Nakedeye making her first LA, about Trini teaching her receipes, about Rushin showing Wastelands - that's not about Faa, it's about her irreplaceable history of contacts. Faa would be a robot if she would go just mechanically born again.
This is what I was wanting to say, but couldn't figure out how I wanted to say it. Thank you Faa. This helps me respond to another post.
aek21 wrote:[...stuff about Cho...]
The fun matters more and then the levels...
but to be a bit more seriously and look at the state of game...
how long is it ago that they just CLOSED ryzom for good, we didn't have an idea if ryzom would ever get up or not. now its getting back up and we/you want to get your chars back aswell. ok i know the feeling how it is to loose your RP char.. or the char you worked so hard on but why can't you just start over, and stick to your roleplaying. k maybe you'll to lvl up a bit to get back to your old rp style but why can't it be the same as before?
and if you were so strong in roleplaying.. havn't you said that it was the very last time to see the world and stuff? i think quite a few players deleted their chars when ryzom was going down. was it their fault that they did it? they couldn't know that it was coming back up.
i was actually thinking of a ryzom wipe and start at day 1 again but i think even i wouldn't like that at some things but on the roleplay side. its a new start of ryzom so i leave that one in the middle...
just my point of view.
It's not that i didn't enjoy myself on Cho, I did. But, I did come back to Keiko and Aris. You were actually the main reason I stayed on Cho so long. But, my character on Cho didn't have the same back story and I had with Keiko. Hell, I can't even remember the name of the avi I made on Cho.
The fun is more important than the levels, in a way, yes. But, if there was a server wipe, my Keiko will never again be able to level up her magic to 125 with Zorin (a friend who no long players). Keiko wont be able to level her heal on Dai Den. I'll never again be able to
finally have OoC trek me to Thesos to level with them. (Sekhmet used to always talk about leveling in Thesos, and I was still stuck in Verdent Heights). I wont have the same memory of having you (Fasi) help me level up my dig...well, just about all of my 250s. I wont have my karavan honor points and kami honor points anymore. All these things will be wiped from me. I'll vaguely remember them, but they wont be apart of my new character.
If a server wipe were necessary, well, who am I to complain about necessity? But you make those of us who would prefer not to have pieces of ourselves wiped away sound selfish. It's not selfish of us to want to keep what we worked for, paid for, etc.
And, I'm not a major RPer by any means, but I would find it difficult to adapt the Keiko I've built (mentally) into a world I've already played through once.
Not trying to pick apart your response sweetie, just felt I needed to respond.