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Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:20 am
by rhaenaan
Politics? We had politics here? <cough>

I must have missed them when the bottles were whizzing by my head during the temper tantrums, bar fights and name calling :)

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.
The best elements of SoR came out of the fact that people were so passionate, involved and *real*. Unfortunately, that also led to some of the worst things about it. I kinda hope that any revival manages to recapture it all. The good and the bad. It wouldn't be the same if SoR became "just another game". (though it would certainly beat SoR just filling shelf-space in a cabinet full of backups)

I think that it would be tough to have the good without the bad. Maybe we could have a "Survivor: Atys" event and vote people off the planet every few months to minimize the "bad" :)

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:18 am
by rajron
rhaenaan wrote: I think that it would be tough to have the good without the bad. Maybe we could have a "Survivor: Atys" event and vote people off the planet every few months to minimize the "bad" :)
but then where would 'I' go??

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:58 am
by komissar
rhaenaan wrote:Maybe we could have a "Survivor: Atys" event and vote people off the planet every few months to minimize the "bad" :)
Yikes! Now that indeed does sound a great deal more scary than a half-zorai half kincher :D
I'd say let's not ;)

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:25 am
by rajron
komissar wrote:Yikes! Now that indeed does sound a great deal more scary than a half-zorai half kincher :D
I'd say let's not ;)
Yay! *huggles*
Does this mean I can stay?
*happily curls up on Uni*
"just TRY and make me move"

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:06 pm
by fiach
tigrus wrote:
The hugest ego on Atys will return full force. This is me right? - SunCe -

If you have to ask that question, you appear to have a lower ego than most imagined (joke).

I would like to see neither side dominate the server again, I came back because kami were down, I was happy when it was balanced just before the shutdown and wasn't interested in persuing a kami dominated server ideal.

Hopefully if there is no wipe, the staus quo can be maintained, if not I would prefer a wipe and start afresh.

IMO OP's spoilt a great community spirit, but it was (IMO) due to the fact it took so long to implement, we had bonded too much.

Anyway looking forward to walking through the desert again, regardless of level.

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:05 pm
by kazaam31
I´ll go for pvp and that will never change :)

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:38 pm
by acridiel
rhaenaan wrote:Politics? We had politics here? <cough>
Of course.
With "polit", stemming from the nice old term polit office. Y´know those guys Komissar used to have to obey without question.
And tics, well.... :P :D


Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:13 pm
by rhaenaan
fiach wrote:If you have to ask that question, you appear to have a lower ego than most imagined (joke).
Even big egos need to be stroked once in awhile. <huggers sunce!> :)
fiach wrote: I would like to see neither side dominate the server again, I came back because kami were down, I was happy when it was balanced just before the shutdown and wasn't interested in pursuing a kami dominated server ideal.
I think that one way to deal with it would be to have factional NPCs that spawned to even the playing field. e.g.: Swarms of progressively more aggressive kitins that attacked OPs the longer that they were held, bandits that were more aggressive towards larger guilds, or maybe even recruitment incentives that the Kami or Kara would offer to defectors when there was an extreme imbalance.
fiach wrote: Hopefully if there is no wipe, the staus quo can be maintained, if not I would prefer a wipe and start afresh.
There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to a wipe. I was getting pretty bored (for the second time) before the shutdown and found myself spending more time chatting and escorting newbies around than actually playing. I just couldn't bring myself to create a new character after the investment of time.
fiach wrote: IMO OP's spoilt a great community spirit, but it was (IMO) due to the fact it took so long to implement, we had bonded too much.
The first mistake was the stupid Kitin invasion. We lost a lot of good players to a poorly executed scenario. Then the whole PvP mess. Then the OPs fragmented what was left of us. I kind of liked the fact that it was very "real world" in the sense that we had gotten past the whole racial factionalization and then found ourselves plunged into conflict over the OPs. But it was frustrating that we quickly reached a relative balance and went stale. I think that the OPs would have been more successful if there were some external factors to keep them continually in flux. I'd also love to see that whole crystals thing revised. They were nothing more than crack and a way to widen the gap between the "haves" and "have nots". If you were part of a guild with access to an OP, you already had an advantage for leveling just by being part of a "significant" guild. The OP Mats were a good idea, but we need a local Nancy Reagan figure to "Just say no to crystals".

One of the things that I don't like about the other games is that they make the conflicts so "black and white". Even the game mechanics stop you from talking to or trading with "the enemy" in some games. I really liked the fact that my guild was multi-racial and we worked across factions when it suited our purposes. (I wasn't so fond of the espionage and political manipulations, but that's a personal thing and not a suggestion that it be eliminated/prevented)
fiach wrote:Anyway looking forward to walking through the desert again, regardless of level.
o/` I've been through the desert on a Mek with no name. o/`
I'm with you on that. I miss Fyros (smelly Monkeymen and all)

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:27 pm
by akovylin
OPs need to be connected to faction (or races/tribes) then opposing factio/race (maybe even tribe) can assist in taking them - the more ops have one faction/race the less guards they can support for each op and more attackers can send in help opposing faction/race

But its more "hardcore" separation of community thow :)

Re: love and war

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:33 pm
by acridiel
Its always fascinating to watch how people blame their own failures and childish behavior on external influence.

You smoke because of the commercials and because its considered "cool" by some.
You drink alcohol in extensive quantities because its considered "cool" by sadly a great majority.
You act like a jerk to members of another race because your "parents taught you to".
You behave like kindergarteners over a plot of digital property and "drugs" and blame the creators of the game.

*shakes head*
Sad, really sad.

If people wouldn´t have reacted the way they did, nothing would have fractured, no friendships would have been spoiled and no fun would have been lost to your game.
Act like the adults you are and maybe, just maybe you´ll see that even with its perceived shortcomings, the game can really be more that just bashing others and hating others for being of "the other faction".

Now, go and roast me over low flames,
I like it medium please ;) :p
