I agree with you, Neva. Even though doustin did start this thread himself, it would have been much better if souls had deleted it immediately and taken this either to pm's or had another CSR step in to resolve this privately.forever wrote:It's nice you're all having fun at the expense of another player, and seemingly given the ok by a GM. This is the kind of thing that turns me off the most about this game/community. Doustin and Soulnatcher had a disagreement, this should have been kept off the forum and others should not have been involved.
I don't feel it is fare picking on anyone whether they are right or wrong. Threads like this give us all a bad name; just think what a new Homin would think after reading this. I think it would be best to have this thread closed or removed; it is now way off topic.
As to this thread being somewhat unfair to the player, I'd tend to agree with that too. Gurthgor isn't a bad guy if you catch him in game, but he's got a hot temper and a lot of pride - and that doesn't play well on the forums.