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Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:17 pm
by xenofur
calel wrote:1) What is the reason neutrals don' t have PR access (that' s been answered, thank you), but neutrals do have access to Nexus? Not complaining, just curious as to why?
judging from it being forest i'd guess that it's matis territory.
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:31 am
by sprite
xenofur wrote:judging from it being forest i'd guess that it's matis territory.
You mean the most karavan-aligned, intolerant government ingame?
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:00 pm
by dakhound
hmmmmm take nexus off me again and give me PR,
nexus sux
nevrax sux,
*goes off to look for random kami guild to join so he can continue diggin PR
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:21 pm
by gwythion
jamela wrote:Precisely why I suggest stables in far flung areas and mektoub rental. A fast mount may not be as quick or as safe as a teleport but it's far safer and quicker to ride than to run. Why not be able to nip to a stable after respawning in Natae, pick up a well fed mount, ride it out to a stable at, say, Sap Slaves in GoC and drop it off, spending dapper for feeding it up again and a little care and attention?
I like the idea. An even easier step for now would be to allow neutrals to own more mounts and packers so that they can keep them at the various capitals stables.
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:27 am
by fuchs10
xenofur wrote:you reject the kami, you reject the karavan. tell me, why should they lift a finger to help you?
you kill Homins without a reason, why should any civilisation let you in a touwn?
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:52 am
by fuchs10
xenofur wrote:That's exactly the point. PR may be neutral and not owned, but the KAMI- and KARAVAN-Teleporters belong to someone and are controlled by someone. Namely the KAMIS and the KARAVANS. The PR are a valuable ressource. So why should the KAMIS and the KARAVANS give some people who *did not decide to follow them* access to these ressources by letting them use their teleporters, which they are running and controlling in one of the most dangerous regions of Atys?
because the earn Dappers for that
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:42 am
by fuchs10
totnkopf wrote:dedication to a side makes a person make some sacrifices. Just because a char is neutral doesn't mean that they shouldn't also have to make some. You can't TP into the PR region. Granted that makes some regions hard to get, but its far from impossible. As Chrono pointed out, you can always TP into the nexus and walk into EF, Ichor, etc. Annoying, yes, but not impossible.
After all, a person who is unwilling to commit to either side is essentially useless in the eyes of the kami/karavan, so why would they be bothered to let you use their altars, especially when those altars might give that char access to supreme mats that could go to those who dedicated themselves to a side. Being neutral isn't supposed to be a free ride that gets the perks of both sides. Its meant to be a challenge, especially in a world that is practically controlled by the kami and karavan (its them who rez you when you die, they teleport you around, the control the tolerance on the land). At the moment, there is little difference between a guy who can't be bothered to work fame or just hasn't got around to picking a side and someone whos a devout pacificst and proclaims himself neutral. Just be glad that Nevrax didn't make ALL tps off limits (after all they do belong to the kami/karavan, so using them might actually call your neutrality into question)
so, yea, I like the ideas and concepts that they've implemented. Everyone now makes some sacrifices. Being neutral is no longer just the path everyone picks because they want the best of both worlds. Now, no matter what path you choose, you make a sacrifice in someway. Being neutral removes you from the massive religious war, maintaining the pacifism that some so strongly seek, but it comes at the cost of making certain regions harder to get to (not impossible, just harder. Hey, mounts might actually be used now!)
Being neutral...... One reason is, because the game was nearby 1 Jear neutral. Now som guilds are a totel mixup and the loved the game like it was and if they have to chose on side you kill this gilds. Sorry, I did not see the earlier promised content in the game any more.
But how dit the Kamis and karavan cheating, they are abel to build there TP's in the same aerea. Both, the Karavan and the Kami themselve (not the players) are alowed to be neutral in the PR and all highlevel aereas. It is absolutly not amusing that there should be two different kinds of neutrality. Till now I payd for the ride .....leave it that way!
Next knowen step ist the same wit the Cities ore Countries and the new results.
Is this realy the only way Nevrax to keep SoR allife ?
I hope that I still be able to travel in real life from Germany to France ore Great Britania.
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:59 pm
by marct
vguerin wrote:I do not see where all the hoopla is coming from, maybe a hope to change direction. Things are FINALLY going as planned and folks want something for no allegiance ?
I agree with this completely. Yes, some things will be more difficult. Everyone will find a way to overcome it.
I am sure I will be unable to TP anywhere in Zorai and those plods and Najabs are going to be soooo happy. As for can I get supreme mats, sure you will work it out. Find a friend, allign yourselves with some other guilds. You will find ways.
In my eyes this is like any other group activity we will go through a cycle as follows:
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing.
So once they make a change We will be formed into a group of homins in the same situation. We will storm, fighting and testing the bounds of the new systems. We will begin to realize the best way to benefit from the system and perfect our methods, and finally we will settle into a groove around said systems and perform at our previous levels or possibly even beyond them.
Problem is everyone is sooooo set in their performing ways that they fear change. Truth is any bump in the road, no matter how inifitely small or ginormously large ends up triggering the same rest of the cycle back to the forming phase. The cycle of each phase may be shorter or longer based on this, but the process is the same everytime.
I will overcome and I am sure all of you will too. And in the end, the game will end up being more fluid, more colorful, and more robust as a result.
Sorry you have lived with an incomplete game for a while, but remember you love it.
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:50 pm
by katriell
Might also be likenable to the stages of grief:
Denial (it's not what it seems; they won't implement it)
Anger (hate Nevrax)
Bargaining (protesting on the forums)
Depression (<self-explanatory>)
Acceptance (adapt to change)
Re: ATS Patch: Outposts & Fame System
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:54 pm
by swe999
uh Noin, the karavan teleporter in Void is like right where everyone always treks to...
you karavan ******* i envy you