kildarin wrote:thats pvp
survival of the strongest in the roots, like it should be. Supreme mats are rare so why not fight over it
Like the whole guild would dedicated hunt you lol. most of them have better things to do Sasa.
If someone kill RoA harvester in PR becose of "RP", boredom, mats or any stupid reason, i'll stop with everything i do and try to hunt down that "person" (not sure is "person" good term for someone so low). However i will not do that if the reason is some personal conflict between those two. It's clear that you will do nothing to help your guildmate, killed by someone who claim to be "roleplayer" or becouse of few mats.
One note: Read realise notes. PvP in PR is Guild vs Guild area. Place to solve problems between 2 or more guilds. It's not made for PK. Lack of some guild tools like a 'war declaration' or 'alliances' make PK posible. IMO, if the guilds are in war, PvP needs to be activated. If not, PvP needs to be disabled. PvP is not implemented in a good way. I started to play this game becouse i don't like PvP. When they added PvP i was in a shock a bit. In a friendly EE community there is no know PK incident cos of mats or "RP". Hope this will stay same way after server merge. However, faction based PvP (like last PvP event) is interesting. I will always be there.