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Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:40 am
by raynes
vanderpm wrote:And you apparently have gobs of endless time to spend on somethign like this too. I could feasably afford 2, maybe 4 at best, before I have real life to worry about, and my guildies to help take care of (I take my position as officer seriously).
I think you are missing his point... he tried for 20 hours and did not make it. He is in agreement with you on this matter.
So because of the lack of planning around this event and the very exclusionary nature of it, instead of unity being brought to the game and all it's races/guilds, disagreement and incresed friction has occured.
I am wondering if this really isn't the plan of things. I mean if your read the notes for patch two is says that there will be story stuff introduced. The next line says "differences in racial abilities starts to appear (big hint here). I take that to mean that the big story push in patch two will involve differences between the races. Having a meeting like this would certainly setup that the players for that sort of story step.
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:37 am
by jivalax
I don't know what to tell you. I upset at this too, I empathise with you on it. I think a 1 use tele ticket could be provided ahhh but then you have everyone makeing a guild so they can get a free ride there. Maybe guild leaders spawn into Pyr on Sunday ... again free ride thing and the game may not even support that. As a fellow player all I can offer you I already have, if you don't want the help of my sword and guild to try to get you there, use of my teamspeak server, screen shots about the event, then what exactly do you want me to do? Go to france and kick some devs butt???? That is about the only thing I will not do for you. Some have said they can make the journey in a team. They are better than I, we have tried and it was sure death. Zum says we can if we all go together, maybe he is right. The one thing I know for certain is if you give up now you ceratinly will not make it to the meeting. I sure hope we can find a way for everyone who wants to attend to be able to do so.
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:26 am
by tinpony
jdiegel wrote:Just for the record, to sum all of my posts up for you, I could care less whether or not you have a ticket, or whether or not you attend the event. My problem is with the event itself, it's timing, and the game changes preceding it.
Which is why my original reply was to Raynes... not you.
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:15 pm
by raynes
jivalax wrote:Raynes,
I don't know what to tell you. I upset at this too, I empathise with you on it. I think a 1 use tele ticket could be provided ahhh but then you have everyone makeing a guild so they can get a free ride there. Maybe guild leaders spawn into Pyr on Sunday ... again free ride thing and the game may not even support that. As a fellow player all I can offer you I already have, if you don't want the help of my sword and guild to try to get you there, use of my teamspeak server, screen shots about the event, then what exactly do you want me to do? Go to france and kick some devs butt???? That is about the only thing I will not do for you. Some have said they can make the journey in a team. They are better than I, we have tried and it was sure death. Zum says we can if we all go together, maybe he is right. The one thing I know for certain is if you give up now you ceratinly will not make it to the meeting. I sure hope we can find a way for everyone who wants to attend to be able to do so.
It's not a matter of what you or any player can do, there is a very big issue with the meeting itself. Jdiegel has done a great job of explaining that issue. But in my own view this meeting is suppose to be fo major importance. It is setup for all the guild leaders or guild representives to meet to discuss the issue of a warning system for invasions as well as discuss how to deal with invasions. If this is such an important meeting, then why doesn't the Fryos government provide guarded escorts? Because their military is stretched to thin? Well if that is indeed the case who exactly do they plan on protecting themselves from invasions? No the real issue here is that this is a meeting of high importance, yet no support is being given by the powers to be to get people there. Lets say that the Fryos military is really that involved, then why not do one of the following?
1) Use their ambassodors in each city to rely the messages of the meeting?
2) Send a message carrier to deliver teleport tickets to each land so a memeber of each guild might attend?
No, the real truth of the matter is that the Fryos Government does not see this meeting as having much importance. They refuse to offer support and protection to other nations citzens. They refuse to put the life of one of their own citizens at risk. So in my view this meeting is nothing more than the Fryos Government declaring war on other nations by offering up other nations citizens lives over thier own.
If this meeting is so important, then support will come from the individual holding it or his government. If that can't be provided then I see no reason why me or my guild should risk their lives going to it. I mean he is the protector of all peoples after all. What kind of protector is he, if he can't even manage to protect a handful of people going to a meeting he is holding.
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:24 pm
by zumwalt
Guaranteed ways to attend this meeting:
1) Create a Fyros Character, leave training grounds, enter Pyr, attend meeting.
Optional ways to attend this meeting:
1) Use a teleport ticket, you earned your trip already, just bring 10,000 along with you to buy another one to replace the one you use.
2) Gather together all your lands people and fight your way there, which could take longer than just creating a character to attend the meeting.
3) Send a representitive from your guild who has a ticket.
4) Have a representitive from your land go, and bring back the news.
Ways of not attending:
1) Go about your merry way and harvest, fight, or do what ever and ignore the meeting in general.
You know, what is so ironic here, is that NO one needed to tell us about this event, it was a courtesy that people are taking for granted.
This is the first MMO that has actually pre-released event information, and all I see here is complaints, my first post granted was a bit jokingly done because all I read was people complaining about how they can't get there "main" toon to the event.
You do realize, that you can take 1 night of playing, not even an entire night, and just create a Fyros toon, get them into Pyr, and attend the meeting?
Attending is NOT impossible, but yet people are screaming foul play.
If I was the event coordinator, I would definately NOT announce any more events after this one and let the players learn on there own that it is happening, just like ALL OTHER MMO's out there.
Word of mouth spreads fast when something is happening do to, guess what, multi-racial guilds that see the event taking place and send out WORD of it.
This is just like the event coordinator just sent out a spam-o-gram to tell us that its GOING to take place, and instead of people using a little common sense on how to attend, no matter what, they throw there hands up in the air, and say, this event is just wrong.
Right, wrong or indifferent, this is 1 of many to come, actually, the FIRST Kitin attack took place in Matis lands, did you know that?
It lasted 2 hours if I recall, and it took us all of 30 minutes to gather every Matis around, guilded, not guilded, or otherwise, and we fought off the invasion after loosing Davae, Natae, and Avalae to the invasion, all we had was Yrk, but we fought them and removed them from all 3 cities.
So now there taking a different approach, and saying lets announce information about what is going to happen, why should we demand of them a way to the meeting?
There is no reason for us to 'expect' a free ride, or them to 'bend' to our will.
And as was stated, other games CLOSED the new content and events to people who could not get there and didn't give them free rides, that is common amongst all MMO's out there.
There is nothing we can do to make everyone happy in the game, I have listed ways to guarantee your attendance, but if you choose to just continue to post complaints about why you can't get there, that just means you don't want to get there, there is nothing more I can do to help you if you are not willing to help yourself.
As my grandfather has stated to me, you can lead a thirsty hourse to water, but you can't force it to drink, and must accept when it dies of thirst.
Crafting and Trade Officer
Pegasus Foundation
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:36 pm
by vguerin
zumwalt wrote:Guaranteed ways to attend this meeting:
1) Create a Fyros Character, leave training grounds, enter Pyr, attend meeting.
Optional ways to attend this meeting:
1) Use a teleport ticket, you earned your trip already, just bring 10,000 along with you to buy another one to replace the one you use.
2) Gather together all your lands people and fight your way there, which could take longer than just creating a character to attend the meeting.
3) Send a representitive from your guild who has a ticket.
4) Have a representitive from your land go, and bring back the news.
Ways of not attending:
1) Go about your merry way and harvest, fight, or do what ever and ignore the meeting in general.
Crafting and Trade Officer
Pegasus Foundation
Outstanding response and so true... There are a handful of folks that have done their utmost best to turn something good into something difficult. As long as they are represented, the manner of how they got to Pyr or the information is immaterial. If the Fyros were the first to offer a chance for us all to talk about recent events we should look at this as a good thing.
We are not going to agree on many things and may not fully trust them, but we share a common problem with the Kitin and other mobs effected by the goo that MUST be addressed.
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Melinoe - Atys Harvesters
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 2:47 pm
by raynes
zumwalt wrote:Guaranteed ways to attend this meeting:
1) Create a Fyros Character, leave training grounds, enter Pyr, attend meeting.
The problem is that me nor my guild are Fyros. We are a Zoraii only guild. If it comes down to having to create a special character just to attend something, then there is something VERY wrong with that. It's not just a matter of being able to attend either. It's a matter of the idea of the meeting in general. It just doesn't add all up.
Think about this... The Fryos is holding a meeting to discuss all the guilds joining together to deal with Kitin Invasions. Yet the Fryos refuse to even do anything to make the meeting accessible to people. They have flat out said that there is nothing they can do, that we have to figure out how to get there on our own. Well if they can't work with other races to get them to something as simple as a meeting, what makes you think they are going to be able to work with other races to fight an invasion?
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:33 pm
by andrax
Be careful. It may be a trick. I think the Fyros are going to kidnap all the representatives that show up and hold them for ransom.
Re: Event Coming!
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:53 pm
by btamilio
The other thing to keep in mind here is that, well, if it's a meeting to talk about how to deal with kitin attack in one land or the other, if you or your guild has no means to get to a land that is not your own, then what help can you be anyway if the kitins *DO* attack one of these lands (that is not your own)?
One *might* deduce that, *perhaps* there could be a kitin invasion soon. Perhaps even in Pyr. Perhaps... right around the time of the meeting. Anyway, I suspect that this in Fyros is not just for the sake of it being in Fyros. I would suspect there is a reason they (the GMs) want us there (unless there's something I'm missing, like, the majority of guilds were created there, or it has the highest pop).
But, ultimately I think what is annoying people is that, this meeting is kind of being trivialized in presentation from the game reps. We'd like more framing, and perhaps, if the event is important to those running it, a little backlog, or storyline or *something* to help us decide how important it is for us to be there.
The jist of a lot of these posts is "it's not a trivial feat to get to Fyros from X; and there's no real indication of how important this is. If I can't make the trip alone, how am I going to convince my guildies and others from my land to help me/us make the trip.... and is it actually worth it?"